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question réponse
in time
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w porę
in demand
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cieszący się popytem
in of focus
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w centrum uwagi
in an uproar
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w zgiełku
in answer to
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w odpowiedzi na
in anticipation of
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w oczekiwaniu na
in arrears
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z dołu (o płatności)
in danger
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w niebezpieczeństwie
in debt
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w długach
in decline
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W spadku
in defense of
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w obronie
in detail
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in disgrace
commencer à apprendre
w niełasce
in disguise
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w przebraniu
in fact
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w rzeczywistości
in fairness to
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w uczciwości wobec
in favor of
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na korzyść
in fear of
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w strachu przed
in flames
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w płomieniach
in flower
commencer à apprendre
in full
commencer à apprendre
w całości
in future
commencer à apprendre
w przyszłości
in gear
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na biegu
in general
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in good condition
commencer à apprendre
w dobrym stanie
in good faith
commencer à apprendre
w dobrej wierze
in hand
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w ręce
in harmony with
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w zgodzie z
in haste
commencer à apprendre
w pośpiechu
in high spirits
commencer à apprendre
w świetnym humorze
in honor of
commencer à apprendre
na cześć
in horror
commencer à apprendre
w horrorze
in ink
commencer à apprendre

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