In a restaurant - Restorānā

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Do you want a dessert?
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Vai Jūs vēlaties saldo ēdienu?
For dessert, could I get a piece of cake, please?
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Vai es, lūdzu, varētu saldajā ēdienā pasūtīt kūkas gabalu?
I'll pay by card.
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Es maksāšu ar karti.
Please bring us another bottle of wine.
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Lūdzu, atnesiet vēl vienu pudeli vīna?
Could we get a table for three people?
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Vai mēs varam pasūtīt galdiņu trim cilvēkiem?
We have a reservation for three people.
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Mums ir rezervēts galdiņš trīs cilvēkiem.
What would you like to drink?
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Ko Jūs vēlētos dzert?
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