Asking and giving advice - Prasot un dodot padomu

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In my opinion, you should convince her it was an accident.
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Manuprāt, tev vajadzēja pārliecināt viņu, ka tas bija nelaimes gadījums.
It's generally a good idea to ask your dad to intercede for you.
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Vispār laba ideja ir paprasīt tēvam, lai viņš aizrunā labu vārdu par tevi.
What I said is my personal recommendation.
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Tas, ko es pateicu ir tikai mans personiskais ieteikums.
Why don't you ask for an apology?
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Kapēc tu neatvainojies?
What do you advise me?
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Ko tu man ieteiktu?
If you were in my place, what would you do?
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Ja tu būtu manā vietā, ko tu darītu?
I advise you to talk to her.
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Es iesaku tev aprunāties ar viņu.
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