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jest trochę jabłek
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there are some apples
jest trochę sera w lodówce
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there's some cheese in the fridge
jest trochę jajek
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there are some eggs
ilu masz braci
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How many brothers have you got
masz dużo braci
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you have a lot of brothers
ile soku jest w lodówce
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how much juice is in the fridge
jest mało soku
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there is little juice
ile jabłek jesz w tygodniu
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how many apples do you eat in a week
jem kilka jabłek
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I eat a few apples
ile mamy czekolady
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how much chocolate do we have
ile chcesz kanapek
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how many sandwiches do you want
poprosze kilka kanapek
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a few sandwiches, please
jest trochę cytryn
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there are some lemons
jest trochę ziemniaków
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there are some potatoes
jest trochę soku
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there is some juice
jest mało jabłek
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there are few apples
jest mało czekolady
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there is little chocolate

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