idiomy owocowe

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To go bananas
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A plum job
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Świetna robota, dobrze płatna
A bite at the cherry
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Szansa na osiągnięcie czegoś,
The cherry on the cake
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Wisienka na torcie,
Go pear-shaped
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pójść nie po mysli
Two peas in a pod
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Dwie krople wody,
Bad apple
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Bad person
Banana republic
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Republika bananowa
Carrot top
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A person with red or orange hair
Cool as a cucumber
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zachować stoicki spokój
As red as a cherry
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Czerwony jak wiśnia,
Peaches and cream
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bułka z masłem
Second banana
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grać drugie skrzypce
Full of beans
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Pełen życia,
To have a pea brain
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Mieć mózg wielkości grochu
hot potato
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gorący ziemniak
Apple of one's eye
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oczko w głowie
A bowl of cherries
easy prasy lemon squeezy
Life's not exactly a bowl of cherries when you're an international champ
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życie to nie łatwizna

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