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burza w szklance wody
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storm in a teacup
wyprosic kogos
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show somebody the door
zielony z zazdrosci
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green with envy
jak kubel zimnej wody
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like a bucket of cold water
kuc zelazo poki gorace
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strike while the iron is hot
cisza przed burza
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the lull before the storm
bledne kolo
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vicious circle
fortuna kolem sie toczy
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luck goes in cycles
akurat, juz ci wierze
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pigs might fly
slowo daje
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cross my heart and hope to die
od przybytku glowa nie boli
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never too much of a good thing
dla chcacego nic trudnego
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where there's a will, there's a way
nigdy nie mow nigdy
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never say die
gwozdz do trumny
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nail in the coffin
tonacy brzytwy sie chwyta
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a drowning man will clutch at a straw
czuc sie jak nowo narodzony
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feel as good as new
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odds and ends
rowne szanse
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a fair crack of the whip
osoba niewiele mowiaca
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a man of few words
ledwo ledwo
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by the skin of one's teeth
zycie jest piekne
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life is just a bowl of cherries
nie ma tego zlego co by na dobre nie wyszlo
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every cloud has a silver lining
nie stawiaj wszystkiego na jedną kartę
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dont put all your eggs in one basket
caly i zdrowy
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safe and sound
druga strona medalu
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the flip side of the coin
robic dobra mine do zlej gry
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grin and bear it
zejsc na psy
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go to the dogs
nie lubic czegos
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not my cuo of tea
dwie lewe rece
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all fingers and thumbs
as w rekawie
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ace up one’s sleeve
miec dosc odwagii by cos zrobic
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be man enough to do something
nieszczescia chodza parami
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it never rains, but it pours
wkladac kij w mrowisko
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open a can of worms
robic dobra mine do złej gry
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make virtue of necessity

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