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it takes all sorts
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to emphasize that people have different characters, opinions, and abilities, and that you should accept this
take sb to ask
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criticize them or tell them off because of something bad or wrong that they have done.
do justice to sb
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explain well
do wonders
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be very effective
make it up to sb
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recompensate for sb
take sth in your stride
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deal with sth successfuly
make no bones about sth
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dont do a big deal about sth
take pains to do sth
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work really hard for sth
make eyes at sb
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to look at (someone) in a way that shows sexual attraction
it makes no odds/no difference
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sth makes no difference
make a detour
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you go by a route which is not the shortest way, because you want to avoid something such as a traffic jam, or because there is something you want to do on the way.
take root
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zakorzenić się
take effect
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start to apply
take exception to sth
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be offended by sth
take sugar in your tea
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posłodzić herbate
take sth on board
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consider sth
do the trick
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be effective
take the plunge
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do sth risky without preparation
take the rap
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take the blame
make good on (a promise)
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deliver on (a promise)
make a case for sth
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give reasons
do your duty
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do your work
make it snappy
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hurry up
take a leak
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odlać się
take pride in sth
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chlubić się czymś
take no prisoners
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be ruthless, cruel
make or break
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make sb successful or not
take a place by storm
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get very popular in a short time
make waves
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create problems
take shape
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materializować się
make do with sth
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accept smth worse
take a raincheck on sth
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not be able to meet sb
take issue with
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disagree with
take pity on sb
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feel sorry for sb
take a breather/five
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take a short break
make headway
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make progress
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rich, affluent
take precautions
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być ostrożnym
make yourself understood
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communicate clearly

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