Idioms #1

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na dziś koniec / wystarczy na dziś
Dobra robota chłopaki, kończmy na dzisiaj.
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call it a day
I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day.
Well done guys, let's call it a day.
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Break a leg!
Lepiej późno niż wcale.
Oto ona. Lepiej późno niż wcale.
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Better late than never.
Here she is. Better late than never.
dać komuś spokój
Hej, daj mu spokój. On robi co w jego mocy.
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cut somebody some slack
Don't be so critical. Give him some slack.
Hey, cut him some slack! He's doing his best!
wymykać się spod kontroli
Bezrobocie wymyka się spod kontroli.
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get out of hand
Unemployment is getting out of hand.
To nie jest skomplikowane.
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It's not rocket science.
Go on, you can do it. It's not rocket science.
No need to worry. I'll explain everything. It's not rocket science.
wziąć się w garść / pozbierać się
Stracisz pracę, jeśli nie weźmiesz się w garść.
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to get your act together
You'll lose your job if you don't get your act together.
na razie wszystko dobrze
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so far, so good
There's a lot of work to be done but so far, so good.
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to hit the sack
I decided to hit the sack and have an early night.
What time did you hit the sack last night?
w skrócie / krótko mówiąc / bez wchodzenia w szczgóły
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(to cut a) long story short
Long story short, we didn’t get home until 3 in the morning!
na efekty trzeba pracować / bez pracy nie ma kołaczy
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no pain, no gain
robić kogoś w konia
Nabierasz mnie?
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pull sb's leg
Don't worry about what he said. He was just pulling your leg.
Are you pulling my leg?
niespodziewanie/ znienacka / jak grom z jasnego nieba
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out of the blue
One day, out of the blue, she called me.
o wilku mowa
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speak of the devil
zawalony pracą
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snowed under
I'd love to come but I'm completely snowed under at the moment.
I'm still snowed under at work and will be for at least another month.

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