Human Hair

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wyciek ropy
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an oil spill
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do NOT say: my hair ARE long.
HAIR and HER are homonyms
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a truck
ładunek ciężarówki
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a truckload
truckloads of hair
funt (jednostka miary)
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a pound
One pound is approximately equal to 454 grams.
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a mailman / a postman
wypełniać coś /(np. pomieszczenie)
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to fill sth up
a lot of hair fills up his van
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to clean up
We use hair to clean up oil spills.
waga / to ile coś / ktoś waży
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Hair picks up between 5 and 7 times its weight in oil.
zwiększać się
Włosy zwiększają swoją wagę 7 razy.
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to pick up
Hair pickS up 7 times its weight.
zrobić z czegoś dobry użytek
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to put sth to good use
so it can be put to good use
wysyłać np. list / paczkę
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to mail sth / to post sth
She mailed it last week but it still hasn't arrived. (NiV)
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a needle
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a mat
cal (2,54 centymetra)
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an inch
one inch thick mat
przekazać coś za darmo
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to donate sth to sb
The hair mats can be donated to emergency oil spills.
nagły wypadek / nagła sytuacja
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an emergency
an emergency situation
być zaangażowanym w coś
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to be involved IN sth
We've been involved in major oil spills' clean-ups.
gruntowne sprzątanie / porzątki
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a cleanup
główny / ważny / znaczny
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Citrus fruits are a major source of vitamin C. (NiV)
mieszać coś z czymś
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to mix sth with sth
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wnosić (swój wkład do czegoś) / przyczyniać się
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to contribute TO sth
Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund. (NiV)
Everyone can contribute to this.
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a fund
The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.

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