Hula Hooper

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niepokój, obawa, lęk (uczucie niepokoju)
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borykać się z czymś
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to struggle with sth
I started to struggle with anxiety.
podnosić coś
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to pick sth up
hula hop
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a hula hoop
stan psychiczny, stan umysłowy
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a mental state
to put sb in a better mental state
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a dancer
zabierać do lat młodości
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to take sb back to (your) youth
pełen etat
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a full-time job
zszokować kogoś, wywrzeć na kimś ogromne wrażenie
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to blow sb's mind
Wait till you hear this. It'll blow your mind. (NiV)
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a prop
fire props
ziać ogniem
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to breathe fire
odrywać / zrozumieć
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to figure sth out
I can't figure out how to do this. (NiV)

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