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get on with
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have a good relationshiop/continue an activity
get over
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recover (a cold, a disease, an ex)
get through
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complete, penetrate
get through (with)
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get through (to)
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make contact
give away
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give something without asking for anything in exchange/betray (a secret)
give in
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stop trying
give off
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release (a smell, light)
give out
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distribute, become very tired
go by
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go past, go close to, visit quickly
go back on
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not keep (one’s word, a promise)
go for
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try to achieve/idiomatic phrase-craving
go in for
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go into
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discuss in detail
go off
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explode/begin, start working (used with signals, alarms, warning sounds) /stop (said of a machine) /become angry
go on
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continue, happen
go out
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stop burning (fire), take part in social activities
go over
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review/be well received, succeed
go through
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examine in detail/endure, experiences challanges, difficulties or traumas
go with
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match (clothing) / accompany a person
go with
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have a bf or gf
go/grow under
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go out of business
żona, która nie mieszka ze swoim mężem
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estranged wife
oceniać krytycznie
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evaluate critically
liczba parzysta
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even number
zwrot wydarzeń
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turn of events
dowód potwierdzający
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supporting evidence
zdać egzamin
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sit an exam
przejść egzamin
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walk an exam
doskonała znajomość czegoś
commencer à apprendre
excellent grasp of
nadmierny hałas
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escessive noise
straszliwy ból
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excruciating pain
energiczne ćwiczenia
commencer à apprendre
vigorous excercise
commencer à apprendre
exhaust fumes
pośpieszne wyjście
commencer à apprendre
hasty exit
mieć doświadczenie w
commencer à apprendre
have experiance in
wyruszają na eksplorację
commencer à apprendre
embark upon an explenation
rozpocząć eksplorację
commencer à apprendre
launch into an explenation
niepewne wyjaśnienie
commencer à apprendre
tenative explenation
wykorzystywanie seksualne
commencer à apprendre
sexual exploitation
wyrażenia ciemnieją
commencer à apprendre
expressions darkens
rodzina wielopokoleniowa
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extended family
spiczasta twarz
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pointed face
główny czynnik
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key factor
drobny czynnik
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minor factor
śmierdząca fabryka
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foul-smelling factory
Wspomnienia zanikają
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memories fade
plony nie powiodły się
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crop fails
Nieudacznik, ponura porażka
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dismal failure
skazane na niepowodzenie
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doomed to failure
słaby blask
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faint glow
jasne włosy
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fair hair
sprawiedliwy proces
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fair trial
Zapaść na chorobę
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fall ill
należą do kategorii
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fall into a category
popadać w ruinę
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fall into ruin
gwałtownie upaść
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fall sharply
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fall silent
upaść gwałtownie
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fall steeply
chwiejne kroki
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faltering steps
wychować rodzinę
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bring up a family
rodzina wielopokoleniowa
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extended family
bliska rodzina
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immediate family
rodzina nuklearna (dwupokoleniowa)
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nuclear family
dbać o swoją rodzinę
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provide for your family
hotel rodzinny
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family-run hotel
żarliwy fan
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ardent fan
odległe miejsca
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far-flung places
odległe miejsca
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far-off places
szybki pas
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fast lane
szybkie tempo
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fast pace
szybko płynąca rzeka
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fast-flowing river
zostaw opinię
commencer à apprendre
give feedback
czuć się jak w domu
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feel at home
atak kataru siennego
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have an attack of hay fever
odbierać połączenia telefoniczne
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field telephone calls
otwarte pola
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open fields
stawić czoła ostrej konkurencji
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come up against fierce competition
ognisty temperament
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fiery temper
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put up a fight
samotna postać
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solitary figure
dane kryminalne
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crime figures
napełnij kogoś podziwem
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fill someone with admiration
wypełnić wakat
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fill a vacancy
wypełniony przerażeniem
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filled with horror
ostateczny szkic
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final draft
having or producing an image with grain of inconspicuous size
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fine grain
wykończenie błyszczące / wykończenie matowe
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gloss finish/ matt finish
wykończenie do paznokci
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nail-bitting finish
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put the finishing touches to
w zasięgu strzału
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within firing range
mocno trzymać
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hold firmly to
kupujacy po raz pierwszy
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first-time buyer
stada ryb
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fish stocks
złościć się
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tempers flare
kłopoty się nasilają
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troubles flare up
mieszkanie w suterenie
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besement flat
mieszkanie dla 1-2 osób
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granny flat
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high-rise flats
uzyskać smak
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get the flavour of
subtelny smak
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subtle flavour
niewygodny lot (przez pogode)
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bumpy flight
lot czarterowy
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charter flight
lot krajowy
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domestic flight
zwykły lot
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scheduled flight
wprowadzać firmę na giełdę (?)
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float the company
nawiedziły powodzie
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floods hit
powódź łez
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flood of tears
powracają wspomnienia
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memories come flooding back
przepływ pomysłów
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ideas flow
mgła znika
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fog lifts
plamy mgły
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patches of fog

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