How to say in English?

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question English réponse English
To jest nas dwoje.
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That makes two of us.
That makes two of us because I don't know either.
Wyleciało mi z głowy.
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It slipped my mind.
It slipped my mind, can you remind me, please?
Bez pośpiechu!
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No rush!
No rush! We have a lot of time to get there on time.
Nic dziwnego.
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No wonder.
No wonder she didn't want to go out with him.
Żadnych wymowek!
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No excuses!
No excuses my young lady! Clean up your room.
Bez urazy!
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No offence!
No offence, but I don't think you'd be much help.
Żadnych ale!
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No buts!
Today is your turn! No buts and get down to work!
Spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy!
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Let's face it.
Let's face it, unless we plan ahead we are going to be in trouble.
Mnie to obojetne.
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I'm easy.
I'm easy! We can either go to the cinema or stay at home.
Niech zgadnę!
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Don't tell me!
Don't tell me! You need to borrow more money, don't you?
Że co?
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Say what?
We have to break up! Say what?!
Zajmę sie tym.
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I'm on it.
We need help with web design. Don't worry, I'm on it!
Mówisz serio?
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Do you mean it?
Do you mean it? Yes, I mean it.
Niech tak będzie.
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So be it!
If he doesn't want to join us, then so be it.
Nie ma za co!
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Don't mention it!
No problem, don't mention it.
Wszystko mi jedno.
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I'm not bothered.
I'm not bothered by what people think of me.
Owijać w bawełnę.
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Beat around the bush.
Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
Na czczo.
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On an empty stomach.
You should never go to work on an empty stomach.
Od stóp do głów.
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From head to toe.
She was dressed from head to toe in red.
Częstuj się.
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Help yourself.
There's plenty of food, so help yourself.
Mam zakwasy.
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I've got muscle soreness.
One hour of aerobics is definitely too much for the first time, this is why you're got muscles soreness.
Przejdź do sedna.
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Cut to the chase.
Right, let's cut to the chase. How much is it going to cost?
Dzień jak co dzień.
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A day like any other.
How is your day? A day like any other.
Wykrztuś to z siebie.
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Out with it.
Just out with it! You will feel much better.
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To go overboard.
I told her just to cook a simple meal but she went completely overboard.
Na pierwszy rzut oka.
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At first glance.
At first glance the twins look identical
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At the latest.
Please be here by eight o'clock at the latest.
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A typo.
The article was badly written and full of typos.
Tak z głowy, bez zastanawiania się.
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Off the top of my head.
Off the top of my head, I would say 24.
Daj z siebie wszystko.
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Do your best.
Do your best! I'm sure, you'll pass this exam hands down.
Pod wpływem impulsu.
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On a whim.
Emma quit her job on a whim
Cały i zdrowy.
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Safe and sound.
Just letting you know we're both safe and sound now.
To tylko kwestia czasu.
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It's only a matter of time.
With your reckless spending behavior, it's just a matter of time before you go broke.
Do czego zmierzasz?
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What are you getting at?
I'm not sure what are you getting at - can you explain that to me again?
Prześpij sie z tym.
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Sleep on it.
If you don't know what to do, sleep on it! You'll make a decision later!
Wszystko po kolei.
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First things first.
I'm hungry. Let's eat lunch before we discuss it. First things first.
Do trzech razy sztuka.
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Third time lucky.
I hope to make it third time lucky after failing this test twice already!
Nie bierz tego do siebie!
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Don't take it personally!
He was joking! Don't take it personally!
Rzeczy sie zdarzaja!
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Things happen!
Things happen! We have to be ready for everything!
To jest niesamowite.
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That's lit!
That's lit! How have you done it?
Zejdz na ziemię! Ogarnij się!
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Get real!
After my husband lost his job we had to get real about our spending habits.
Jak to?! Jak to mozliwe?
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How come?
How come it's so hard to meet the right man?
Mam zaległości w pracy.
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I have a backlog of work!
I have a lot of backlog of work. I need to catch up on eberything this weekend.
Zaufaj intuicji.
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Trust your gut!
"Trust your gut" is common advice that means trust your inner voice.
To nie ma sensu.
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It doesn't make sense.
Your words doesn't make sense. Can you explain that to me once again?
Jestem pod wrażeniem.
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I'm impressed!
Wow! I'm really impressed! Hats off!
Nie móc się połapać.
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to be all at sea
I really don't know - I am all at sea about these things.
Serce nie sługa.
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the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants! We cannot change it, we should follow it!
Mój błąd! Moja wina!
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My bad!
Yeah! You're right! My bad!
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Nice to meet you. Likewise.
Może być!
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It's fine by me!
That's fine by me, love. But I'm not sure what your father will think.
Nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszlo.
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Every cloud has a silver lining.
Here's the proof that every cloud has a silver lining.
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You rock!
Jane, your party rocks, thanks for the invitation.
Na czym stanęliśmy?
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Where were we?
Let's wrap it up, guys! Where were we?
Informuj mnie na bieżąco.
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Keep me posted!
Keep me posted on how things go in your new job!
Mieć przeczucie.
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to have a hunch
I had a hunch that she was not telling the truth.
Wóz albo przewóz.
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make it or break it
These next few months are going to be make it or break it for us financially.
zająć się czymś
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to see about
Jack said that he would see about it.
dać radę, wyrobić się, zdążyć
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make it
I thought I would be able to do it on my own but now I see I can't make it.
zapeszać, przynosić pecha
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to jinx
You're going to win your race. Shhh! I don't want to jinx it.
wcisnąć w grafik
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to squeeze in
Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?
Zostaw to tak, jak jest.
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let it be
Let it be. The more you interfere the worse it will get.
To mówi samo za siebie.
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It goes without saying.
It goes without saying they won't get paid a penny for their efforts.
mieć ochotę coś zrobić
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to feel like doing sth
I'm sorry, but I don't feel like going out today.
Czapki z głów.
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Hats off.
I didn't think you would be able to do it. Hats off.
Tak trzymaj! Brawo, oby tak dalej.
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Way to go!
I've passed my exam. Way to go!
Człowiek uczy się całe życie.
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You live and learn.
I didn't know these words. Oh well, you live and learn.
I kto to mówi!
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Look who's talking!
While I was telling my kids how bad smoking is, my son said - Look who's talking! I've seen you smoke!
Nie waż sie!
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Don't you dare!
I'm going to twll mom that you got an F on your test. Don't you deare!
Wracaj do zdrowia!
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Get well soon!
We can hang out some other day! Get well soon! Take care!
Nie spiesz sie!
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Take your time!
You neeed to do this right, so take your time.
Nie mam nic przeciwko.
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I don't mind.
Do you mind if I open a window?
Załatwić sprawy na miescie.
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To run errands.
I've been running errands all day.
latwo ci powiedzieć
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easy for you to say
You really need to start getting more excercise. I know that's easy for me to say but...
czynić cuda
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to work miracles
Everyday excercise can work miracles for our body.
24 godziny na dobę
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around the clock
They've been working around the clock to meet the deadline.
I znowu to samo!
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Here we go again!
Here we go again! Mum, I will be back before midnight, I promise!
Wyświadczyć komuś przysługę.
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To do sb a favour.
Could you do me a favour and stop complaining, please?
Oj tam, oj tam, daj spokój!
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Come off it!
Come off it, tell the truth!
Czy mógłbyś powtórzyć?
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Come again?
Come again? I can barely believe that you said this to me?
pomóc komuś
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give sb a hand
My mum always gives me a hand with my homework.
na odwrót, w drugą stronę
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the other way round
Sometimes I cook and she does the dishes and sometimes it is the other way round.
innym razem, kiedy indziej
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some other time
Sorry, maybe some other time. I have a lot of work I need to catch up on.
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
On the other hand, I want to see the show, but on the other hand, I may not have the time.
Czas sie skończył.
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Time's up!
Time's up! Put your pencils down!
Znaleźć na coś czas.
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To make time for sth
No matter how busy he was, grandpa always made time for us.
Nie mieć już czasu.
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To run out of time.
We're running put of time! So hurry uo, please!
Wolny czas
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Spare time / Free time
I'll find some spare time to play with the kids, I promise!
Być na czas.
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To be on time.
I'll start early, so I'll be sure to finish on time.
Czas pokaże.
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Time will tell.
Only time will tell whether it was worth the expense.
Najwyższy czas.
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High time.
It's high time you can back home.
Strata czasu.
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A waste of time.
The lecture was a complete waste of time.
Kwestia czasu.
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A matter of time.
It is only a matter of time before we win this game.
Iść za głosem serca.
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follow your heart
Don't listen to other people, you should always follow your heart.
Z głębi serca.
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from the bottom of your heart
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Wziąć sobie coś do serca.
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take sth to heart
I'll take your advise to heart.
wkładać w coś całe serce
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put your heart and soul into sth
I always put my heart and soul into my work
bliskie sercu
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close to your heart
These people are really close to my heart!
żywić do kogoś uczucia
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to have a thing for sb
I had a thing for one of my colleagues for a while, but I decided not to purse it for the sake of our work.
Tak jakby
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Kind of / Sort of
I want to talk to you about something kind of big.
I tak dalej.
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And so on.
I ear bananas, apples, pears, oranges and so on!
Chyba tak!
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I guess so!
Do you want ti watch this movie? I guess so. There's nothing better on.
Tak sobie.
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How are you doing! So-so!
Tak po prostu!
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Just like that!
He said nothing and walked out on me, just like that!
Dobrze ci tak!
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It serves your right!
It serves your right! You got what you deserved.
mieć coś na końcu jezyka
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to have sth on the tip of one's tongue
Her name is on the tip of my tongue. Just give me a mintue, I'll remember it.
nie moja bajka
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not my cup of tea
History is not my cup of tea!

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