How to improve your work-life balance

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stałe godziny pracy
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fixed working hours
I prefer flexible working time than fixed working hours.
pracować długie godziny
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work long hours
Working long hours doesn’t aid work-life balance.
zezwolić na pracę w domu przez (2 dni)
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allow home-working for (2 days)
My boss allow me home-working for 3 days a week, so i work remotely and work from office and have a hybrid style of working.
urlop bezpłatny
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unpaid leave
If you want to make your own bussines you should go on unpaid leave and try to run it.
wymiar urlopu wypoczynkowego
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amount of annual leave
What is amount od annual leave in your country?
zostać do późna, żeby dokończyć coś
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stay late to finish sth
Sometimes, I have to stay late to finish my project. I really hate it. Fortunatelly, it’s quite rarely.
wziąć wolne
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take time off
Probably I will have to take time off the next week, I’m planning a big party and i need more free time to do it.
zarządzać własnym czasem pracy
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manage your own working time
If you like to manage tour own working time you should work as a freelancer.
zrównoważyć pracę z życiem domowym
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balance your work with your home-life
Balancing work with home-life is as difficult and hard to do as walking on a hairline path.
rejestrowac czas wyjscia z pracy
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clock out
They have to clock out even when leaving their desk.
masz racje
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you nailed it
You are exactlt right
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The global warming issue is very complex and we need more time to fully understand the effects it will have on the Earth and our society.
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full stop
Full stop is a sign which we put at the end of sentences.
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We should be exposed to different types of bacteria to build up an immunity. It is okay to not alwats wear a mask if you feel like you won’t get very sick.

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