how long does it take?

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quanto tempo occorre in macchina da qui alla stazione?
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how long does it take by car from here to the station?
quanto tempo occorrera' per arrivare da qui all'hotel^
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how long will it take to get from here to the hotel ^
occorre tanto tempo per imparare l'inglese
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it takes a long time to learn English
non occorre tanto per cuocere la pasta
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it doesn't take a long to cook pasta
non occorrera' tanto per riparare il computer
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it won't take long to repair the computer
mi ci sono voluti tre giorni per leggerlo
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it took me three days to read it
mi ci vorranno 30 minuti per farlo
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it will take me 30 minutes to do it
occorrono 10 minuti per raggiungere da qui al piu vicino areoporto
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it takes 10 minutes to get from here to the nearest airport
quanto tempo ti è occorso per andare a piedi alla stazione
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how long did it take you to walk to the station
quanto tempo ha impiegato lui per pitturare il bagno?
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how long did it take him to paint the bathroom?
quanto tempo ti è occorso per imparare a sciare?
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how long did it take you to learn ski?
ci sono occorsi 20 minuti per arrivare a casa
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it took us 20 minutes to get home
ci ha messo 3 ore per raggiungere londra
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it took him 3 hours to get London

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