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brać udział
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carry out
na służbie
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on duty
glaz / małe drzwiczki
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figure out
kończyć się
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run out
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come up with
odetchnąć z ulgą
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breathe a sigh of relief
krzyczeć wiwatowac
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zamiast iść spać
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instead of going to bed
dziennikarz wrócił do swojego biurka
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the journalist returned to his desk
razem z kolegami z pracy
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together with colleagues
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on powiedział załodze
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he told the crew
kilka godzin później
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several hours later
głośny wybuch
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loud explosion
na pokładzie statku
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on board the spacecraft
zbiornik paliwa był pusty
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the fuel tanks was empty
kontrolki migaly
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lights were flashing
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jesteśmy znudzeni na śmierć
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we are bored to tears down here
ludzie sledzili wydarzenia w telewizji
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People were following the events on TV
austronauci nie rozmawiali o możliwości nie wracania do domu
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the astronauts didn't discuss the possibility od not returning home
próbowali to rozgryźć
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they tried to figure out
inżynierowie kontrolujacy misje
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engineers at mission control

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