حلقه 14

 0    9 fiche    mohammyuuyy
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bake. pie
my grandm baked me a delicious apple pie
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خبز. فطيرة
pot. Boil. spaghetti
First, boil the water and then add the spaghetti.
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وعاء. مغلي. معكرونة
Pot belly. fault
This potbelly is my wife’s fault.
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وعاء البطن. عيب
The cat knows the baby shouldn’t toch the oven.
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I can open a can without a can opener.
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يمكنني فتح العلبة بدون فتاحة العلب.
This is the best way to fry potatoes.
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soft boiled
I like to eat soft boiled eggs
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لينة مسلوق
Grilled chicken is my favorite food
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Fish is my favorite food. Fish and rice are my favorite food
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السمك هو طعامي المفضل. السمك والأرز هما طعامي المفضل

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