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ignite (inflame, set on fire) a series of lightning storms ignited a wave of fires
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contain (stop, keep under control) storms ignited a wave of fires which were impossible to contain
morze ognia, żar (piekielny) commencer à apprendre
inferno (something burning fiercely) the inferno got out of control
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sear (burn, scorch the surface) the inferno got out of control and seared 700,000 acres of forests
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fire caused by airborne embers
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The ashes at each smoldering spot have to be checked
środek hamujący rozprzestrzenianie się ognia commencer à apprendre
helicopters dump fire retardants
dziwny, niesamowity, pełen grozy, straszny commencer à apprendre
at night an eerie orange glow cab be seen in the sky
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at night an eerie orange glow cab be seen in the sky
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conflagration (blaze, destructive fire) the conflagration was detected by weather satellites
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... discuss ossible measure for averting food crisis
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scorch (burn lightly or dry up with heat) scorching sun parched the land
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zasadniczo, w rzeczywisości (v...) commencer à apprendre
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last year's rain was sparse
zmniejszyć moc elektrowni wodnych commencer à apprendre
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org., które niosą pomoc krajom dotkniętym głodem commencer à apprendre
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stunt (stop or slow down growth)
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utrzymanie się przy życiu commencer à apprendre
subsistence (ability to live with little money and food)
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grazing cattle eating grass in fields)
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trudna sytuacja, niedola, ciężkie położenie commencer à apprendre
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huraganowy striking hard and often commencer à apprendre
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zalać flood, cover with water commencer à apprendre
Huge seas heavily inundated populated areas
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damage statistics will soar
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nietknięty, bez uszczerbku commencer à apprendre
The city has survived relatively unscathed
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the dykes failed to withstand swirling waters
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opadać do normalnego poziomu commencer à apprendre
people waiting for waters to subside
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slash (come down hard at an angle)
unieść na wyciągu / wyciąg commencer à apprendre
utrzymujący się na powierzchni commencer à apprendre
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liczba ofiar smiertelnych commencer à apprendre
stan wyjątkowy (np. po klęsce żywiołowej) commencer à apprendre
prześladować, nawiedzać, nękać commencer à apprendre
a country bedeviled by natural disasters
przewrócić się do góry dnem commencer à apprendre
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