Heatwaves: Can we adapt?

 0    10 fiche    md.marcinszymanski
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question réponse
odcięcie zasilania
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power cut
commencer à apprendre
daily wage
subsydiować, partycypować w kosztach
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zastąpić kogoś w pracy
commencer à apprendre
to fill in for sb
I asked Mark to fill in for me while I went for lunch.
nadrobić zaległości
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to catch up on sth
I need to catch up on the work.
dotrzymać terminu
commencer à apprendre
to meet a deadline
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
czy będzie w porządku jeśli -
commencer à apprendre
is it ok if -
wolałbym zrobić coś
commencer à apprendre
would rather do sth

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