Have Something Done

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question réponse
Present Simple
commencer à apprendre
Present Continous
commencer à apprendre
am/is/are having
Present Perfect Simple
commencer à apprendre
has had/have had
Present Perfect Contionus
commencer à apprendre
has/have been having
Past Simple
commencer à apprendre
Past Continous
commencer à apprendre
was/were having
Past Perfect Simple
commencer à apprendre
had had
Past Perfect Continous
commencer à apprendre
had been having
Future Simple
commencer à apprendre
will have
Future Continous
commencer à apprendre
will be having
Future Perfect Simple
commencer à apprendre
will have had
Future Perfect Continous
commencer à apprendre
will have been having
To be going to
commencer à apprendre
am/is/are going to have
commencer à apprendre
modalny + have

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