have got

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Mam siostrę
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I you 've got a sister
Nie masz siostry
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I you haven't got a sister
On, ona, to ma kota
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He, she, it's got a catp
On, ona, to nie ma kota
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He, she, it hasn't got a cat
My, wy, oni mają psa
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We, you, they 've got a dog
My wy, oni nie mają psa
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We you they haven t got a dog
czy masz psa
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have you got a dog
tak, mam
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yes I have
nie, nie mam
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no I haven't
czy on ma książkę
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has he she it got a book
tak on ona ma
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yes he she it has
nie on ona nie
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no he she it hasn't
czy oni mają kota
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has they got a cat
tak, oni mają
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yes they have
nie, nie mają
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no they haven't

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