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to say sth suddenly without thinking, wygadać się
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leniuch, niechluj, bałaganiarz, flejtuch (inf. lazy, untidy person)
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neat - tidy; liking to keep everything in a good order and tidy
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porządnie, schludnie; klarownie, jasno His clothes are all neatly folded in their drawers.; The announcement was neatly timed to coincide with the release of their new album.
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płaczliwy; crying or likely to cry
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zawodzić, płakać, lamentować
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żałosny, lichy, biedny, nieszczęśliwy, przygnębiony
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uda, podołek; okrążenie wokół stadionu
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chłeptać (wodę), pluskać (fale morskie), wyprzedzić o okrążenie podczas wyścigu
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zamęczyć (pobić) na śmierć
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oszołomiony, osłupiały; zamroczony (narkotykami)
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Ale też dreszczyk zazdrości lub zażenowania
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bezpodstawne twierdzenie, pomówienie, insynuacja
dumbfounded ≈ thunderstruck commencer à apprendre
so shocked you cannot speak
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wyśmiewać się z kogoś lub czegoś
Lubię myśleć, że nasza miłość do czytania udzieli się naszym dzieciom commencer à apprendre
udzielić się komuś (dzieciom, bo rodzice; mieszkańcom bo środowisko) I like to think that our love of reading will rub off on our children.
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puste (oczy, policzki, obietnice, słowa), bezwartościowe
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kotlina, jama, zagłebienie w terenie
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quick, energetic, active, fast Her tone on the phone was brisk and businesslike; a brisk walk
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uniesienie, podniecenie, euforia
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oczarowany, urzeczony also: enchanted
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patrzeć na kogoś wilkiem, spode łba
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kręcący nosem na, pokazujący dezaprobatę lub lekceważenie
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wspaniały, wyborny, znakomity, piękny, okazały, genialny
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sprytny, chytry, przebiegły a cunning plan/ploy He's a very cunning man.
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taktyka, fortel, chwyt, sztuczka There are various ploys we can use if necessary. He only said he had a meeting as a ploy to get her to leave.
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uśmiechnąć się promiennie do kogoś/ na coś She beamed with delight/pleasure at his remarks. The child beamed at his teacher as he received the award.
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The soldiers stood stiffly to attention.
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She hadn't called for a week and I was getting miffed.
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wychudzony, wychudły (osoba), surowy, pusty, nieatrakcyjny (dom) Her face was gaunt and grey. The house looked gaunt and unwelcoming.
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coś jest zakazane, zabroniony wstęp If an area is out of bounds, people are not allowed to go there.
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zmarszczyć brwi, skrzywić się She frowned at me, clearly annoyed. He frowned as he read the instructions, as if puzzled.
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I've bought some squashy pillows for the couch.
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He waited until his daughter was asleep, then tiptoed quietly out of the room.
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przysadzisty, krępy, kluchowaty short and fat: a dumpy little woman
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to talk for a long time in a boring way: He was droning on (and on) about his operation.
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bazgroły; bazgrolić, mazać The baby's just scribbled all over my new dictionary! I'll just scribble Dad a note/scribble a note to Dad to say we're going out.
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Brightly coloured flags were fluttering in the breeze. Leaves fluttered down onto the path. Butterflies fluttered about in the sunshine. A white bird poised on a wire and fluttered its wings.
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błyszczeć, skrzyć się, migotać Her diamond necklace glittered brilliantly under the spotlights. His dark eyes glittered with anger behind his glasses.
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skołowany, zakłopotany, zdezorientowany z niewiedzy I'm completely stumped - how did she manage to escape? Scientists are stumped by this mystery virus.
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Laura winked at me as Stephen turned his back. For a second I thought he was being serious, but then he winked at me. Reflected in the water, the lights winked at us from the other side of the lake. The light was winking on the answering machine.
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policzek; tupet, bezczelność He had the cheek to ask me to pay for her! She's always getting into trouble for giving her teachers cheek
drenched/soaked/we to skin commencer à apprendre
We had no umbrellas so we got soaked to the skin in the pouring rain
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One day I had made some raisin cookies.
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The dog lay drooling on the mat. I drooled all over my pillow.
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walka, starcie, pojedynek He's a former heavyweight champion and is expected to win the bout easily. Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities. The composer Strauss was once challenged to a duel.
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napawać się, chełpić, triumfować She's continually gloating over/about her new job. I know I shouldn't gloat, but it really serves him right. His enemies were quick to gloat at his humiliation.
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Her voice began to quaver and I thought she was going to cry.
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sprzęgło; trzymać się, chwytać, ściskać Silent and pale, she clutched (onto) her mother's hand. Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank. He collapsed, clutching his stomach.
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When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold. Her bottom lip trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes. His voice started to tremble, and I thought he was going to cry.
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People numbly held photos of lost loved ones toward the camera. He stared numbly out to open sea.
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trzcina, kijek, dyscyplina
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When no one answered the door, she peered through the window to see if anyone was there. The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign.
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surowo, stanowczo (spojrzeć, powiedzieć) "This kind of behaviour is not acceptable," said the teacher sternly.
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wyjawiać się, wyłaniać, majaczyć; warsztat tkacki Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.
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naprawić, reperować (=repair) I've left my watch at the jeweller's to be mended. The plumber came to mend the burst pipe. The country's president is seeking to mend relations with the United States.
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I can't face the hassle of moving again. My boss has been giving me a lot of hassle this week. It's one of the few bars that women can go to and not get any hassle from men. It was such a hassle trying to get my bank account changed that I nearly gave up.
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brudny, niechlujny; haniebny He was wearing some old shorts and a grubby T-shirt. Don't wipe your grubby hands on my clean towel! She sees the business of making money as just grubby opportunism.
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She opened her presents with glee.
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We collected dry twigs to start the fire.
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They threatened to smother the animals with plastic bags. Snow soon smothered the last of the blooms. I tried desperately to smother a sneeze during his speech. I threw a blanket over the stove to smother the flames.
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gładki, przylizany, wymuskany, elegancki (especially of hair, clothes, or shapes) smooth, shiny, and lying close to the body, and therefore looking well cared for; not untidy and with no parts sticking out: The cat had sleek fur. Who owns that sleek black car parked outside your house?
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The stream glinted in the moonlight. A large diamond glinted on her finger.
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recytować, deklamować, wyliczać
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bezceremonialny, z marszu, niegrzeczny I didn't mean to be offhand with her - it's just that I was in such a hurry.