Harlequin Ichthyosis

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question réponse
moja początkowa reakcja
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my initial reaction
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He's scared of spiders. (NiV)
jej szanse na przeżycie
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her chance of survival
her chance of survival was 50 percent
Ona nie różni się od typowego pięciolatka.
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She's no different than the avarage 5-year-old.
przeciętny, średni
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a average student (NiV)
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a five-year-old
do not say: a five-yearS-old
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a daughter
Nasza córka urodziła się z ... (choroba).
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Our daughter was born with...
Płód arlekin / rybia łuska arlekinowa (choroba genetyczna
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harlequin ichthyosis
schorzenie / choroba
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a condition
to jest bardzo rzadkie schorzenie
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it's a very rare condition
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to grow
Jej skóra rośnie 10 razy szybciej.
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Her skin grows ten times faster (than a normal person).
kąpać kogoś
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to give sb a bath
trzy razy dziennie
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three times a day
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to moisturise
We have to keep her skin moisturised.
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nasmarować / grubo nałożyć
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to slather
She slathered lotion on her body. (NiV)
niezrównany, niedościgły, niedościgniony, bezkonkurencyjny
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Her personality is unmatched.
dusza towarzystwa
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the life of the party
She's the life of the party.
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a ukulele
Nie mam dobrego głosu. / Nie spiewam dobrze.
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I'm not good at singing.
kawałki kurczaka w panierce
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chicken nuggets / chicken nuggies
doświadczyć czegoś / przeżyć coś
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to experience sth
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I hope she experie3nces a normal childhood.
mieć nadzieję
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to feel / to be hopeful
Everyone’s feeling pretty hopeful about the future. (NiV)

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