Hans Rosling's shortest TED talk

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nieznany / niewiadoma (w matematyce)
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a billion
do not say: milliard - this word does NOT exist in English
polecieć za granicę
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to fly ABROAD
polecieć za granicę na wakacje
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to fly abroad ON holiday
zaoszczędzić (pieniądze)
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to save money
zaoszczędzić pieniądze, żeby kupić samochód
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to save money TO buy a car
rower na dwóch kółkach
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a two-wheeler
być zajętym robieniem czegoś
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to be busy doing sth
być zajętym oszczędzaniem pieniędzy
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to be busy saving money
Jestem zajęta sprzątaniem domu (NiV).
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I'm busy cleaning the house.
On jest zajęty przygotowaniami do szkolnego koncertu (NiV).
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He's busy practising for the school concert.
wzbogacić się
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to get rich
In the future they'll get rich.
ci ludzie
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THESE people
this person BUT these people
do NOT say: this people
dwa miliardy
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two billion
do NOT say: two billionS / three hundredS / four thousandS
na świecie
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IN the world
do Not say: ON the world
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do not confuse WHETHER with WEATHER; the spelling is different BUT the pronunciation is the same
Nie byłam pewna czy ci się to spodoba (NiV).
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I wasn't sure WHETHER you'd like it.
zintegrować kogoś z kimś
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to integrate sb WITH sb
... The rich people are prepared to be integrated ... with 10 billion people.

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