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the bread, the breads
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das Brot, die Brote
the bread roll, the bread rolls
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das Brötchen, die Brötchenn
the sausage sausages
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die Wurst, die Würste
the cheese, the cheese
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der Käse, die Käse
the butter
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die der Butter
the jam, the jams
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die Marmelade, die Marmeladen
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der Honig
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das Fleisch
the fish, the fish
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der Fisch, die Fische
the spinach, the spinach
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der Spinat, die Spinate
the cereal, the cereals
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das Müsli, die Müslis
the salad, salads
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der Salat, die Salate
the spaghetti
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die Spaghetti
the soup, the soups
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die Suppe, die Suppen
the fries
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die Pommes
The potato, the potatoes
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die Kartoffel, die Kartoffeln
the cake, the cakes
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der Kuchen, die Kuchen
the biscuit, the biscuits
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der Keks, die Kekse
the muesli bar, the granola bars
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der Müsliriegel, die Müsliriegel
the fruit
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das Obst
the sweet, the sweets
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das Bonbon, die Bonbons
the egg, the eggs
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das Ei, die Eier
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die Milch
the lemonade, the sodas
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die Limonade, die Limonaden
the water
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das Wasser
the beer, the beers
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das Bier, die Biere
the orange juice
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der Orangensaft, die Orangensäft
the coke, the colas
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die Cola, die Colas
the coffee, the coffees
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der Kaffee, die Kaffees
the cocoa
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der Kakao, die Kakaos
the tea, the teas
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der Tee, die Tees
You are welcome
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Gern geschehen
Never mind
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Keine Ursache
there is is there
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es gibt, gibt es
the breakfast, the breakfasts
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das Frühstück, die Frühstücke
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das Mittagessen
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das Abendessen
cold meal
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kalt essen
the food
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das Lebensmittel
the vegetables
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das Gemüse
the sandwich, the sandwiches
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das Butterbrot, die Butterbrote
the sandwich, the sandwiches
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das Sandwich, die Sandwichs
the olive oil, the olive oils
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das Olivenöl, die Olivenöle
the cheeses
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die Käsesorten
the ham
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der Schinken
the salami, the salamis
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die Salami, die Salamis
the hot dog
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das Würstchen
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das Hackfleisch
the Kotlett, the Kotletts
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das Kotlett, die Kotletts
the steak, the steaks
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das Steak, die Steaks
the meatball
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die Roulade, die Rouladen
the roasted pork
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der Schweinbraten
the poultry
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das Geflugel
the chicken
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das Hähnchen
the vegetable soup
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die Gemmüsesuppe, die Gemüsesuppen
the chicken soup, the chicken soups
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die Hühnersuppe, die Hühnersuppen
the fried potatoes
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die Bratkartoffeln
the French fries
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die Pommes frites
the boiled potatoes
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die Pellkartoffeln
the potato chips
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die Kartoffelchips
dairy products
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die Milchprodukte
the cream
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die Sahne
the cream
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der Rahm
the curd
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der Quark
the yoghurt, the yogurts
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der das Joghurt, die Joghurts
the spice, the spices
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der Gewurz, die Gewurze
the vinegar, the vinegars
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der Essig, die Essige
the pepper
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der Pfeffer
the salt, the salt
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das Salz, die Sälze
the paprika powder
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der Paprikapulver
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der Zucker
the mustard, the mustards
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der Senf, die Senfe
the mayonnaise
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die Maionesse, die Maionessen
the pizza, the pizzas
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die Pizza, die Pizzas
the noodles
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die Nudeln
the beverage
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das Getränk
The juice, the juices
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der Saft, die Säfte
I like to eat pizza.
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Ich esse gehrn Pizza.
I like to eat biscuit.
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Ich esse Keks gehrn.
the lemon, the lemons
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die Zitrone, die Zitronen
the mushroom, the mushrooms
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der Pilz, die Pilze
the onion, the onions
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die Zwiebel, die Zwiebeln
strawberry strawberries
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die Erdbeere, die Erdbeeren
the butcher shop
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die Metzgerei, die Metzgereien
the supermarket, the supermarkets
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der Supermarkt, die Supermärkte
Where do you buy cheese?
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Wo kaufen Sie Käse?
In the bakery I buy bread.
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In der Bäckerei ich kaufe Brot.
In the supermarket I buy sugar.
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Im Supermarkt ich kaufe Zucker.
In the butchery I buy meat.
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In der Metzgerei ich kaufe Fleisch.
In the market I buy vegetables.
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Auf dem Markt ich kaufe Gemüse.
every morning
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at every midday
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in the evenings
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the pear, the pear
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die Birne, die Birnen
the cucumber, the cucumbers
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die Gurke, die Gurken
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der Reis, die Reise
the banana, the bananas
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die Banane, die Bananen
the chocolate
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die Schokolade, die Schokoladen
tomato, tomatoes
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die Tomate, die Tomaten
apple apples
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der Apfel, die Äpfel
the desire, wish
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der Wunsch, die Wünsche

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