grammar b2

 0    48 fiche    karolinakoselska3
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question réponse
gałąź historii
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branch of history
genealogy is a branch of history
według ankiety
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according to a surwey
kojarzony z
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assosiated with
mieć stopień naukowy
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have a degree in
commencer à apprendre
apart from
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in addition NIE ADDICTION
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you can accomplish everything if you want
bez wielkiego wydatku
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without great expanse
uwaga/ spostrzezenie
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wyjawiac prawdę
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reveals the truth
dalej w tył
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further back
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to call off
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commencer à apprendre
I read yesterday’s news with disbelief
uważa się ze
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it is believed to
nie mogę powiedzieć na pewno
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cant say for certain
pojawiać się
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turn up
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wyruszyć z
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set off from
udało się znaleźć
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succesed in finding
natknąć się
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came across
wkrótce potem
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soon after
nie mogę się doczekać
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looking forward
Nie chciałem usuwać twoich zdjęć
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i didnt meant to delete your photos
nie widziałem sensu zakupu
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didnt see the point of buying
przesadny sens
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exaggerated sense
szczegolna uwaga
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emphasis in
bagatelizował fakt
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played down the fact
zaskoczyc sie
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take aback/ surprise
zmartwiony o
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concerned about
radzić sobie z problemami
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to cope with problems
nalegać na
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insist on
od teraz
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from now on
tak naprawdę/ z uwagi na
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actually/ because of
actually i dont want to be here
odnośnie twojego pytania
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regarding your question
podczas gdy/natomiast
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to compare two things
she likes pizza whereas i like onions
jeśli chodzi o koty
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as far as cats are concerned
należy rozumieć, że
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there are understood to be
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apparently i alwas choose the losing side
przychodzić z pomocą
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come forward
pod warunkiem że)
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provided (that)
everything will be fine provided you continue to talk with parents
zdolny do zrobienia
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capable of doing
opiekować się
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look after
bez dyskusji
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out of the question
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out of fashion
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szereg wad
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a number of drawbacks
doświadczenie zawodowe
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work experience

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