Grammar and speaking unit 4

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question réponse
Masz (całkowitą) rację.
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You are (absolutely) right.
Tak dokladnie czuje
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That's exactly how I feel
Tez tak nie sadze
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I don't think so either
na pewno
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That’s for sure.
Zgadzam sie z...
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I agree with...
Zgadzam sie do pewnego stopnia.
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I agree up to a point.
masz racje, ale...
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You’ve got a point, but
moze to prawda, ale...
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maybe that’s true, but...
mozesz miec racje, ale
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you might be right, but...
Tak, ale nie myslisze ze...
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Yes, but dont you think that...
Wiem o co ci chodzi, ale
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I see what you mean, but
przepraszam ale sie nie zgadzam
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I'm sorry but I don't agree/disagree
zartujesz prawda?
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you're joking right?
nie mowisz powaznie
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tou cant be serious
zejdz z tego
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come off it
daj spokoj badz powazny
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come on get real
nie ma opcji
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no way
cos jest konieczne
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ragula lub prawo
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have to
rzeczy nie dozwolone
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musn’t, can’t, may not
obowiazki lub udzielanie rad
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should, ought to
prosba o przyzwolenie
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can, could, may
skladania prosby
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can, could
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zdolnosci w terazniejszosci/orzeszlosci
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pokazuje o czym mowimy
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defining relative clauses
dodatkowe informacje
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non defining relative clauses
kiedy uzywamy przecinkow
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przed i po non definig
czego nie mozemy pominac w non definind relative claude
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who, which
that zamiast who/which w non
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