Grammar and communication

 0    35 fiche    mikolajczykaleksandra
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Mówię tak dlatego że sam już zjadłem
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The reason I say they are good is that I’ve already eaten one.
Moim zdaniem nie ma lepszego owoca nad jabłko
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In my view there is no better fruit than the apple
Jeśli o mnie chodzi banany są spoko
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For me banans are ok.
Ale ja naprawdę myślę że one są spoko
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I do think they are ok.
Pozwól że podam Ci przykład
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Let me give you an example
Muszę przyznać że lubię banany
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I must say I’m fond of bananas
Lubię banany między innymi dlatego że są żółte
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I like banans for one thing they are yellow
hasn’t she?
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She’s succeeded in making you jealous
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from Doctors say children can suffer from playing video games.
take part
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in Many people took part in bringing the lost child home.
there's no point
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in There is no point in arguing with them.
think (consider)
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about Jake and Julia think about getting married.
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about They warned us about speeding on this road.
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on Brian really has to work on improving his vocabulary.
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about I always worry about losing things.
Szkoda, że nie zjadłeś ciastka.
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ate, eaten
I wish you had eaten the cake.
Szkoda, że spadło.
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fell, fallen
If only it hadn't fallen down.
Szkoda, że źle się czułeś.
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felt, felt
If only you had felt better.
Znalazłem to!
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found, found
I've found it!
Nigdy nie lecieliśmy.
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flew, flown
We've never flown.
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forgot, forgotten
I've forgotten.
Zaręczył się.
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got, got
He's got engaged.
Dostałem prezent.
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gave, given
I've been given a present.
Przeminęło z wiatrem.
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went, gone
Gone with the wind.
Ależ urosłeś!
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grew, grown
How you've grown!
Byłam w Australii
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be, was, been
I have been to Australia
Pobili go
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beat - beat - beaten
He has been beaten up
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become - became - become
zaczynać się
Zaczęło się!
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begin - began - begun
It has begun!
Jest teraz właśnie gryziony przez pieska.
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bite - bit - bitten
He is being bitten by a dog
łamać, tłuc, zepsuć
Obietnica została wczoraj złamana.
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break - broke - broken
The promise was broken yesterday.
Samochody sprowadza się z Niemiec.
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bring - brought - brought
Cars are brought from Germany.
dużo się teraz buduje
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build - built - built
A lot is being built now
Poparzyłem się!
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burn - burnt - burnt
I've burnt myself.
Pączki zostały kupione.
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buy - bought - bought
The doughnuts have been bought.

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