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po czym stosujemy present simple commencer à apprendre
when, while, before, after, as soon as, until, till I going to read a lot while I'm on holiday. I'll probably go home on Sunday. Before I go, I'd like to visit the museum. Wait here untill I come back
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there - when we talk about sth for first time phrases: there will be/ there must be/ there might be/ there used to be phrases: there is sure/certain/likely/bound it - specific thing places, fact situation it - to talk about distance, time there - when we talk about sth for first time. Phrases: there will be/ there must be/ there might be/ there used to be. Phrases: there is sure/certain/likely/bound. * it - specific things, places, fact situation. ** it - to talk about distance, time
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I think so - I don't think so. # I expect so - I don't expect so. # I hope so - I hope not. # I'm afraid so - I'm afraid not. # I guess so - I guess not. # I suppose so - I don't suppose so / I suppose not.
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I prefer sth to sth else. I prefer doing sth to doing sth else. I prefer to do sth rather than (do) sth else. I prefer this coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday. I prefer driving to traveling by train. I prefer to drive rather than travel by tran. Sarah prefers to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.
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would prefer - in specific situation Would prefer TO do sth rather than do sth else I would prefer TO stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
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would rather do - in specific situation I would rather do sth. I would rather do sth than do sth else. Shall we go by train. I would rather drive. I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.
I would rather + sb + past tense commencer à apprendre
I would rather + sb + past tense meaning is present (not past); ~wolał bym żeby - moje tłumaczenie I would rather you came with us. I'd rather they didn't know.
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to say why sb does sth = purpose of an action when the purpose is negative (won't, wouldn't); with can, could, will/would be able to ........ so that + object +....... I hurried so that I wouldn't be late. Leave early so that you won't miss the bus. She's learning English so that she can study in Canada.
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for + noun ---- to + verb I'm going to Spain for holiday. I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish. What would you like for dinner? What would you like to eat?
"miło/głupio/przyjemnie... z twojej strony" commencer à apprendre
"nice / stupid / pleasant ... of you" other adjective that we can use in this way: kind, clever, seansible, mean, silly, stupid, careless, unfair, considerate... It was nice of you to take me to the airport. It's silly of Marry to give up her job when she need the money. I think it was very unfair of him to criticise me. It's very considerate of you to come.
interested in (do)ing / interested to do commencer à apprendre
interested in (do) ing / interested to do # jestem czymś zainterestowany - I'm intereresting in doing sth = I'm thinking of doing it, I would like to do it #ciekawi mnie, jestem zaciekawiony - interested to - to say how somebody reacts to what they hear/see/read/learn Let me know if you're interested in joining the club. I tried to sell my car, but nobody was interested in buying it. I was interested to hear that Tanya has left her job. Ask Mike for his opinion. It would be interested to know what he thinks.
afraid to do / afraid of (do)ing commencer à apprendre
afraid to do / afraid of (do) ing # I'm afraid to do sth = I don't want to do it because it is dangerous or the result could be bad. ##I'm afraid of sth happening = It is possible that something bad will happen (for example an accident) # People are afraid to walk here at night. James was afraid to tell his parents what had happened. ## We were afraid of falling. I was afraid to go near the dog because I was afraid of being bitten.
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I saw sb do sth = sb did sth + I saw this other verbs: hear, feal notice, listen, smell, find... I saw Tom get into his car and drive away. Did you see the accident happen? # passive form with TO. He was seen to get in the car.!!! sometimes both option are ok!!! I've never seen her dance. (or) I've never seen her dancing.
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I saw sb doing sth = sb was doing sth + I saw this other verbs: hear, feal notice, listen, smell, find... I saw Kate waiting for a bus. I saw him walking along the street.!!! sometimes both option are ok!!! I've never seen her dance. (or) I've never seen her dancing.
some with plural countable nouns commencer à apprendre
some with plural countable nouns # some = a number of / a few of / a pair of ## some = some but not all!!! do not use some when you are talking about things in general # I have seen some good movies recently. Some friends of mine are comming to stay at the weekend. ## Some children learn very quickly. Tomorrow there will be rain in some places, but most of the country will be dry.!!! I love bananas.
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accomodation, advice, baggage, behaviour, bread, chaos, damage, furniture, information, luck, luggage, news, permission, progress, scenery, traffic, weather, work
travel (countable or uncoutable?) commencer à apprendre
travel - means "traveling in general". W DO NOT say "a travel" to mean a trip, a journey. They spend a lot of money on travel. We had a very good trip/journey.
news (countable or uncoutable?) commencer à apprendre
news is uncountable, not plural The news was very depressing. (not news were)