Gramatyka THERE IS ARE

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Mój samochód
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MY car
Twój parasol
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YOUR umbrella
Jego ważywa
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HIS vegetables
Jej przepis
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HER recipe
Kolor (tego) długopisu
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ITS colour
Nasz bratanek
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OUR nephew
Wasza siostrzenica
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YOUR niece
Ich rodzice
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THEIR parents
Córka Beaty
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Beata’s daughter
Basen Oli
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Ola’s swimmingpool
Bar Agnieszki
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Agnieszka’s bar
Kuchnia Renaty
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Renata’s kitchen
Chodzmy do kina!
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Let’s go to the cinema
Zróbmy sobie przerwę
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Let’s have a break
Napijmy się kawy!
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Let’s drink a coffee
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Let’s sit down
Zjedzmy coś
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Let’s eat something!
Zatrzymajmy się teraz
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Let’s stop now!
Zatrzymajmy się tutaj
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Let’s stop here
Chodzmy do pracy!
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Let’s go to work
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every day
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Która jest godzina?
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What’s the time?
Jest kwadrans po drugiej po południu
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it’s a quarter past 2 p m
Jest wpół do 3 po południu
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it’s half past 2 p m
Jest za kwadrans 3 po południu
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it’s a quarter to 3 p m
Jest 3 po południu
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it’s 3 o’clock p m
Jest 3 w nocy
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it's 3 o'clock a.m.
Na stole
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On the table
Pod biurkiem
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under the desk
Obok domu
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next to the house
W pokoju
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in the room
W biurze
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in the office
Pod drzewem
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under the tree
Na ulicy
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on the street
Obok sklepu
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next to the shop
Obok mnie
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next to me
W szklance
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in the glass
Na podłodze
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on the floor
Na łóżku jest telefon
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There is mobile phone on the bed
Na stole leży książka
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There is book on the table
Na podłodze leżą jakieś ubrania
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There are SOME clothes on the floor
Pod biurkiem leżą jakieś kapelusze
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There are some sunhats under the desk
Pod biurkiem leżą okulary
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There are sunglasses under the desk
Na łóżku leży passport
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There is a passport on the bed
Pod krzesłem leża karty kredytowe
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There are SOME credit cards under the chair
W biurze jest computer
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There is a computer in the office
W torbie jest strój kąpielowy
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There is a swimsuit in the bed
W lodówce są marchewki
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There are some carrots in the fridge
W lodówce jest szklanka mleka
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There is a glass of milk in the fridge
W lodówce jest szklanka soku
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There is a glass of juice in the fridge

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