going to the hospital

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bóle ucha
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ear aches
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to hurt
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an otoscope
ból ucha
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sore ear
muszę iść
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to have to go
rozpakować jego walizkę
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to unpack his suitcase
Nie wolno mu nic jeść
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He isn't allowed to eat anything
położyć się do łóżka
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to tuck up in bed
ciśnienie krwi
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blood pressure
diagram, wykres, tabela
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słuchać bicia serca
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to listen to heartbeat
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A stethoscope
zostać zabrany na salę operacyjną
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to be taken to the operating room
Jest prowadzony po długich korytarzach
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He is wheeled down the long corridors
zadowolony, usatysfakcjonowany
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od śniadania
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sińce breakfast
on jest dumny ze swojego bandaża
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He is proud of his bandage
Duży bukiet kwiatów
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A big bunch of flowers
odkurzanie mebli
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dusting the furniture

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