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I am going to the park. Where did you go? I went to the park.
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Jdu do parku. Kam jsi šel? Šel jsem do parku.
She is going to the city centre to meet her friends.
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Jede do centra města za svými přáteli.
They are going to the park. Are they going to the park?
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Jdou do parku. Jdou do parku?
I am going home. I’m going to town.
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Jdu domů. Jdu do města.
Do you want to go to the cinema? Do you want to go home.
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Chcete jít do kina? Chceš jít domů.
I will go to the park. I will go for a walk.
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Půjdu do parku. půjdu na procházku.
Will you go to the beach? Are you going to?
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půjdeš na pláž? Budete?
Can you go shopping?
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Můžete jít nakupovat?
Can I go to the BeeHive to watch football?
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Mohu jít do BeeHive sledovat fotbal?
I am going to the BeeHive to watch football.
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Jdu se podívat do Včelího úlu na fotbal.

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