Giving opinions

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As far as I am concerned...
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Jeśli o mnie chodzi...
Frankly speaking...
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Szczerze mówiąc...
To tell you the truth...
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Powiedzieć ci prawdę...
I reckon
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As I see it...
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Jak to widze...
I suppose (that)
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Przypuszczam, że (to)
I believe (that)
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Wierzę, (że)
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Na pewno
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commencer à apprendre
I couldn't agree more
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Nie mogłem się zgodzić bardziej
You've just hit the nail on the heard
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Trafiłeś w sedno
Frankly, I doubt if
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Szczerze mówiąc, wątpię, czy
I see what you mean but
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Rozumiem, co masz na myśli, ale
You have a point there, but
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Masz tam swój punkt, ale
You may be right to some extend
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Możesz mieć rację

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