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Get in on
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Become involved//The company tried to GET IN ON our market.
Get in with
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congraciarse con
get it off
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They GOT IT OFF at the party.
get it off with
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have sex with
get it on
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Did you two GET IT ON?
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Did you GET IT ON WITH him?
get it together
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begin a relationship
get it together
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Control things in your life to achieve your aims
get it up
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become excited
get off it
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expresar que alguien se equivoca o tienen una opinion incorrecta
get off on
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pirrarse por He GETS OFF ON crystal meth every night.
get off on
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Become excited by/ She GETS OFF ON her power over us.
get off with
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tener sexo con
get on at
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Criticise unfairly//He's always GETTING ON AT me when I haven't done anything wrong.
get on for
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Be near a time// It's GETTING ON FOR midnight.
get on to
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Start to suspect// It took the authorities a long time to GET ON TO the gang.
get on with
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Have a good relationship//Continue or start doing something

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