Geografia Ameryka północna i południowa

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niz atlantycka
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than Atlantic
niz zatokowa
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than sinus
niz amazonki
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than amazonkiv
niz la platy
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than la p
wyż labradorska
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g kordyliery
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g cordyliera
g andy
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g andy
rz missisipi
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r missisipi
rz jukan
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row of yukan
jeż wielkie jezioro niewolnicze
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hedgehog the great slavery lake
niz orinoko
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niz orinokk
niz hadsońska
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than Hadson's
wyż dolina śmierci
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high valley of death
wyż wielki kanion
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high canyon
wyż gujańska
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upland gujansk
j górne
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pół Alaska
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pół ungara
commencer à apprendre
half un
pol Floryda
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pol Florida
pół Jukatan
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half of the Yucatán
wyż wielkie równiny
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upland large plains
wyż brazylijska
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brazilian high
g Alaska
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g Alaska
g skaliste
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rocky g
rz Amazonka
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from Amazon
rz parana
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rz parana
w jez niedźwiedzie
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in the lake bears
g apallady
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g apallady
wyż Kolorado
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up Colorado
rz św Wawrzyńca
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the government of St. Lawrence
rz Mc kenze
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from Mc Ken
jeż huron
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hedgehog huron
rz orinoko
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rz orinoko
pół labrador
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half labrador
wyż wielka kotlina
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upland big valley
wyż patagońska
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Uighur Patagos
g Mc kinley
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g Mc Kinley
rz Rio Grande
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Rio Grande
rz missouri
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g aconcagua
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g aconcagua
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jez morracaribo
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jez morracaribo
jez Ontario
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Lake Ontario
jez erie
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jez erie
pół Kalifornijski
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half Californian
jez mochigan
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jez mochigan

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