Gennaio 2025

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question réponse
to postpone
przenieść np. meble
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Ho spostato
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il proprietario
to be stuck in traffic
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essere imbottigliati nel traffico
a summary
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un riassunto
lots of nice people
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tanta gente simpatica
reached, achieve
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raggiunto, raggiungere
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take care of myself
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prendermi cura di me stessa
rozwijać się
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I don't see the reason
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Non vedo il motivo
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la necessità
to quit a job
zwolnić się
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Do you take anything else?
bierzecie coś jeszcze?
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Prendete altro?
you should take responsibility for your actions
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dovresti prenderti la responsabilità delle tue azioni
be of the same age, have the same age
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essere della stessa età, avere la stessa età
the script
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il copione
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il fiume
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il serpente
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la legge
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la pelle
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la rete
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la stampante
śruba, wkręt, winorośl
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la vite
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la voce
as I see it
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per come la vedo
I think it's a great idea
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la trovo un'ottima idea
I think, it seems to me
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ritengo, mi sembra
it seems to me/in my opinion
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mi pare/ a mio pare
I see it like this
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io la vedo così
What is this movie about?
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Di che parla questo film
they talk on the phone often
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parlano spesso al telefono
I'm late for class
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sono in ritardo per la lezione
I'm ready for the party
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sono pronto per la festa
a beautiful face grows old
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un bel viso invecchia
even in a big way
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alla grande addirittura
the dictionary
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il dizionario
to understand the meaning
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per capire il significo
by the way
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a proposito
I finished on time
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Ho finito in tempo
the squared notebook
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il quaderno a quadretti
on this topic
wydaje mi się, że na ten temat
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su questo argomento
I have nothing to add
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Non ho niente da aggiungere
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ereditare da
ho ereditato
a studio flat
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un monolocale
the figure
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la figura
dressed in red
ubrany na czerwono
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vestito in rosso
sitting in a sled
siedzącego w saniach
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seduto in slitta
tow from
ciągnięte przez
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trainare da
the reindeer
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le renne
It is known everywhere
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è conosciuta dappertutto
who gives you the right to treat him like this?
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chi ti dà il diritto di trattarlo così?
I did everything quickly
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Ho fatto tutto alla svelta
yes he stepped aside
usunął się, wycofał się
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sì è fatto da parte
I realized that
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mi reso conto che
to compete
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competere con
such a strong player
z tak silnym graczem
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un giocatore così forte
do it perfectly
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fare alla perfezione
pass up
zrzec się
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rinunciare a
have a chat
pogadać sobie
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fare due chiacchiere

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