G Idioms

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gain advantage over somebody
Sarah learned Spanish while in Spain so she gained advantage over other students in her class.
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zyskać przewagę nad kimś
gain experience
It’s important to gain professional experience while at university.
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zdobyć doświadczenie
gain time
I didn’t know what to do next so I simply tried to gain time.
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zyskać na czasie
generally speaking
Generally speaking, I am interested in music and culture.
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ogólnie mówiąc
get a beating
Sam got a beating for no reason.
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dostać lanie
get a grip of yourself!
You can’t spend your whole life being depressed. Get a grip of yourself and do something with your life!
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weź się w garść!
get a job
I really should get a permanent job, I need the stability.
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dostać pracę
get a life!
You’re spending all of your time online. Get a life!
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zrób coś z sobą!
get a rise
I ran a very successful project, and as a result I got a pay rise.
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dostać podwyżkę
get back on one’s feet
I really struggled for a while, but I managed to get back on my feet.
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stanąć znów na nogi
get even with somebody
My sister was always really mean to me, but recently I was able to get even.
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wyrównać z kimś rachunki
get in somebody’s way
Sarah always gets in my way whatever I am trying to do.
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wchodzić komuś w drogę
get into a conversation
I always find it hard to get into a conversation with people I don’t know.
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nawiązać rozmowę
get into an argument with somebody
Mike gets into arguments with his mum all the time.
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wdać się w sprzeczkę z kimś
get into debt
I got into serious debt when I bought my new car.
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wpaść w długi
get lost!
Get lost! I really don’t need your mercy!
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get married
I was married at the age of 16 and divorced at 21.
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pobrać się, wziąć ślub
get moving!
We’d better get moving if we’re to get there on time.
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rusz się! pospiesz się!
get off somebody’s back
Get off my back and find something else to do.
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odczepić się od kogoś
get on somebody’s nerves
You are really getting on my nerves. Why can’t you just leave me alone.
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działać komuś na nerwy
get one’s revenge
Anna always plays tricks on me, but this time I finally got my revenge!
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zemścić się
get oneself into something
What have I got myself into! I didn’t realise how difficult it was going to be.
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wpakować się w coś
get out of debt
I finally managed to get out of debt after two years of paying it back.
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wyjść z długów
get something across to somebody
It’s very hard to get any message across to Sandra so I am not looking forward to working with her.
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wytłumaczyć coś komuś
get something right
I’m not sure if I got it right. Can you explain it to me again?
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dobrze coś zrozumieć
get the feeling that
I’ve got a feeling that it’s going to be an amazing party.
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mieć/odnosić wrażenie, że
get the hang of something
It took me a while to learn how to ski, but I think I’m finally getting the hang of it.
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opanować coś, nauczyć się czegoś
get the message
It took me a while to explain it to the class, but they finally got the message.
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zrozumieć aluzję
get to sleep
I have to get to sleep early tonight. I have to be at work at 8 am tomorrow.
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get to work
You’d better get to work if you are to finish on time. Just 30 minutes left!
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wziąć się do pracy
give a speech
Our new president gave a welcome speech in front of all the employees.
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wygłosić przemówienie
give an account of something
The book gives a really good account of the history behind the last presidential elections.
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zdać z czegoś relację
give birth to a baby
Sarah has given birth to three children and she looks absolutely amazing.
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urodzić dziecko
give false evidence
Giving false evidence at court is a criminal offence.
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składać fałszywe zeznania
give first aid
You should only give first aid if you know how to, otherwise it’s better to call an ambulance.
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udzielić pierwszej pomocy
give it a rest!
Oh, come on, give it a rest! Do you really believe what you’ve just said?
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daj temu spokój! odpuść sobie!
give it a try!
Just give it a try! I know that windsurfing for the first time can be scary, but you’ll grow to enjoy it!
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give orders
Sam is not used to talking to people he works with; he only gives orders.
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wydawać rozkazy
give pleasure
Listening to classical music gives me a lot of pleasure.
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sprawiać przyjemność
give somebody a free hand
My manager gave me a free hand with the project.
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dać komuś wolną rękę
give somebody a hand
I found the project really challenging so I asked Tara to give me a hand.
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pomóc komuś
give somebody a hard time
I had been away from work for two days. Afterwards my manager gave me a really hard time.
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dać się komuś we znaki
give somebody a lift
Can you give me a lift? I’m in a real hurry.
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podwieźć kogoś
give somebody the sack
I had to give Amy the sack when, for no reason, she missed work three days in a row.
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wylać kogoś z pracy
give somebody wings
The promotion gave me wings and I am really keen on taking the challenge.
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dodać komuś skrzydeł
give the game away
It’s a secret so make sure you don’t give the game away.
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zdradzić sekret
give up one’s work
When she gave birth, Sarah decided to give up her work for a while longer.
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porzucić pracę
go abroad
I’ve always wanted to study abroad.
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jechać za granicę
go against the grain for somebody
It goes against the grain for me to give up.
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wbrew czyjejś naturze
go ahead!
Go ahead and try it! Skydiving is amazing!
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proszę bardzo!
go and see somebody
I have to go and see my tutor tomorrow.
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odwiedzić kogoś
go back on one’s word
We were supposed to go on holiday together, but Claire went back on her word and it didn’t work out.
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nie dotrzymać słowa
go camping
We are going camping next weekend so I have to buy a sleeping bag.
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jechać na obóz/biwak
go down in history
The last elections will go down in history as the most broadcast ones.
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przejść od historii, zapisać się w historii
go down in value
Houses were down in value recently because of the crisis.
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tracić na wartości
go from one extreme to the other
You never know what to expect from Rob. He always goes from one extreme to the other.
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popadać w skrajności
go halves
Shall we go halves on the bottle of wine?
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dzielić się po połowie
go into details
I don’t want to go into details; let’s just say I am moving abroad.
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wdawać się w szczegóły
go on a date
I can’t join you at girls night out because I am going on a date tomorrow.
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iść na randkę
go on a journey
I am going on a journey to France next summer.
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wyruszyć w podróż
go on a trip
We always go on two school trips a year.
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pojechać na wycieczkę
go on holiday
I work a lot and rarely go on holiday these days.
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jechać na wakacje
go one step further
I think I might go one step further and move to Asia next year.
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pójść o krok dalej
go out of fashion
Mini skirts went out of fashion last year.
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wychodzić z mody
go through a difficult stage
My family are going through a difficult stage at the moment because of my grandfather’s death.
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przechodzić trudny okres
go to ruin
My grandma’s house went to ruin because no one lived there for about ten years.
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popaść w ruinę
go too far
I think you went too far. You shouldn’t get too friendly in a professional environment.
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posunąć się za daleko
God willing
God willing, everything will work out just fine.
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jeśli Bóg pozwoli
good luck!
Good luck. I’m sure you’ll do just great at the exam!
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grab the chance
This is such an amazing opportunity. I think you should grab the chance, it might not happen again!
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skorzystać z szansy/okazji
great deal of something
You need a great deal of patience to be able to work with little children.
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dużo czegoś
ground is burning under somebody’s feet
He always does everything on his own and never asks for help, unless he’s got ground burning under his feet.
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grunt pali się komuś pod nogami
grow out of something
I bought Anna a lovely dress last year, but she has already grown out of it.
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wyrosnąć z czegoś

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