Future - present continuous, Will, Shall

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Sta piovendo, non penso uscirò
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It's raining, I don't think I'll go out
non credo piovera'
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I don't think it will rain
Cosa farai nel weekend?
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What are you doing at weekend?
Non posso uscire con te domani, lavorerò
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I can't go out with you tomorrow, I'm working
Andrò via per qualche giorno, partirò questa notte, non sarò a casa domani
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I'm going away for a few days, I'm leaving tonight, I won't be at home tomorrow
Ero in ritardo questa mattina, non succedera' piu
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I was late this morning, It won't happen again
Sarai a casa questa sera?
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will you be at home this evening?
Sarò pronto in 5 minuti
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I'll be ready in 5 minutes
Non penso sarò qui domani
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I don't think I'll be here tomorrow
Non sarò qui domani
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I won't be here tomorrow
E' caldo, apro le finestre?
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It's warm, shall I open the windows?
E' una bella giornata, andiamo a fare una passeggiata?
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It's a nice day, shall we go for a walk?
a che ora ci incontreremo?
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What time shall we meet?

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