From Korepetycje

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question réponse
Gaat deze trein naar het vliegveld?
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Does this train go to the airport?
Aanvaardt u deze kaart?
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Do you accept this card?
Hoe laat is het?
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What time is it?
Twee grote cappuccino’s, alstublieft.
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Two large cappuccinos, please.
Wat is dit?
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What is this?
Hoe oud ben jij?
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How old are you?
Ik heb geen kassaticket nodig, bedankt
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I don't need a receipt, thank you
Ik was hier vorige week
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I was here last week
Kan ik de zak alstublieft krijgen?
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Can I have the bag please?
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Ik ben goed, maar moe
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I'm good but tired
Ik ga volgende week op vakantie.
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I'm going on holiday next week.
Ik ga weer op zakenreis
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I'm going on a business trip again

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