Friends s09e05

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question réponse
a figure
chart, graph, diagram
Alright, let's get started by taking a look at last quarter's figures.
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wykres, rycina, ilustracja, rysunek, diagram
to misconstrue (misconstrued, misconstrued)
misinterpret, misunderstand, misjudge, misread
The eagle, however, misconstrues this as an act of aggression.
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niewłaściwie odebrać, opacznie zrozumieć
a talon
a claw
The eagle grabs the baby in its talon.
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a faucet
a tap
Meanwhile, the faucet fills the apartment with water.
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on fire, lighted, burning, flaming
Baby and bird still ablaze, are locked in a death grip.
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w ogniu
to swirl (swirled, swirled)
whirl, churn, spin, twist
They're swirling around the whirlpool that fills the apartment.
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a maitre d'
The maitre d' has asked if you'd be willing to consider switching to a smaller table.
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ochmistrz, zarządca, główny kelner
a policy
procedure, plan, action, programme
They have adopted a strict no-smoking policy.
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polityka, zasady, wytyczne
to frown upon sth (frowned, frowned)
disapproved (of), disliked
People will frown upon you if you wear short dresses like this.
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krzywo patrzeć na coś
to cave (caved, caved)
capitulate, submit, yield
If they ask me to move, I'll cave.
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ustępować pod presją
to manhandle (manhandled, manhandled)
maltreat, maul, mishandle, rough (up)
I'll move, you don't have to manhandle me.
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sponieiwerać, obchodzić się brutalnie
to come down on someone
jump on someone, scold
I should't come down on you so hard about the smoking.
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zjechać kogoś, skrytykować
to tuck (tucked, tucked)
insert, pinch, wrap
He tucked his willy between his legs and cried out.
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wtykać, wciskać
a shrew
dragon lady, fury, harpy
I suppose that Monica will have the manipulative shrew.
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złośnica, jędza
to blunt (blunted, blunted)
lessen, reduce, subside
Did my little outburst blunt the hideousness that is this evening?
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stępić, złagodzić, osłabić
a hideousness
atrocity, awfulness,
Did my little outburst blunt the hideousness that is this evening?
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brzydota, okropność, ohyda
a ruse
a trick
Maybe this is all just a clever ruse to get me into bed.
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fortel, podstęp
to blow smoke up sb's ass
to mamaguy, to soap up
Claudia, aren't you supposed to blow smoke up the boss's ass.
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kłamliwie schlebiać
worn, shabby
I almost wore my threadbare robe that can't contain my breasts.
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znoszony, zszargany, wytargany
nugae, a trifle
I just happen to know a lot of trivia about smoking.
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drobnostki, błahostki
lime hound
That woman has the nose of a bloodhound.
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pies tropiący (ogar), detektyw
to soil (soiled, soiled)
to splotch, to smut
I soiled myself during some turbulence.
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to scram (scrammed, scrammed)
to disappear. to nick off
You're not getting back in there, The baby is fine, now scram.
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znikać, zmywać (się), pryskać
an ad
a commercial, an advertisement
Have you not seen that ad.
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Have you not seen that ad. It's chilling.
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mrożący krew w żyłach
a tinfoil
a silver foil
I've watched home movies of you eating Ding-Dongs without taking the tinfoil off.
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folia aluminiowa
to be in the offing
to be expected, to be anticipated
Their arrival is in the offing.
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być spodziewanym, oczekiwanym
to put sth on hold
to ban
We're gonna put this fight on hold.
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wstrzymać coś
But no talking and no cuddling.
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a super
a caretaker, a superintendent
The super's not home.
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dozorca, nadzorca
to bruise (bruised, bruised)
to smash
I would, but I bruise like a peach.
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posiniaczyć, stłuc, poobijać

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