Franek 9th Feb 2022 (50)

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question réponse
Nie mogę narzekać.
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I can't complain.
Helenka narzeka na jedzenie.
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Helenka complains about food.
Wieli ludzi narzeka na pogodę.
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Many people complain about the weather.
Przestań narzekać
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Stop complaining.
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a boss
Moja siostra lubi rzadzic.
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My sister is bossy.
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a sleeping bag
Spaliśmy w namiocie.
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We slept in a tent.
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Czy jest ci wygodnie?
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Are you comfortable?
Obudziłem się w środku nocy.
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I WOKE UP in the middle of the night.
Wyspa Północna
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North Island
Wyspa Południowa
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South Island
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Stolica Nowej Zelandii jest Wellington.
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The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
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Stolica Australii jest Canberra.
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Australia's capital city is Canberra. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
Najwiekszymi miastami w Australii sa Sydney I Melbourne.
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The biggest cities in Australia are Sydney and Melbourne.
autobus dwupiętrowy
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a double decker

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