Formy spedzania czasu wolnego

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question réponse
gawędzić ze znajomymi
commencer à apprendre
chat with friends
relaksowac sie
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chill out
wpaść (do kogos z wizyta)
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come round
pojsc na kurs
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go a course
rozwiazywac krzyzowke
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do a crossword
uprawiac gimnastyke
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do gymnastics
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do some drawing
chodzic do klubow
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go clubbing
chodzic na ryby
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go fishing
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go jogging
pojsc do restauracji
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go out for a meal
jezdzic na rolkach
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go rollerblading
pojsc na lyzwy
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go skating
pojsc na impreze
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go to a party
chodzic na koncerty
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go to music gigs
chodzic na silownie
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go to the gym
zorganizowac impreze/przyjecie
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have / organise / throw a party
spedzic wieczor w domu / wybrac sie gdzies wieczorem
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have a night in / out
robic filmy za pomoca programow dostepnych w internecie
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make films online
grac na instrumencie muzycznym
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play a musical instrument
grac w gry planszowe/karciane/komputerowe
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play board/card/computer games
czytac blogi
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read blogs
spotykac sie ze znajomymi
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see / meet friends
spedzac czas na robieniu czegos
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spend time doing sth
robic zdjecia
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take photographs
pojsc z psem na spacer
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take the dog for a walk
zajac sie nowym hobby
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take up a hobby
zobaczyc wystawe sztuki
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visit an art exhibition
ogladac serial w internecie
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watch a series online

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