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pizza is eaten by students
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la pizza è mangiata dagli studenti
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889
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La torre Eiffel è stata construita nel 1889
the culprit was found last night
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il colpevole è stato trovato ieri sera
colpevole = winowajca
The meeting has been postponed until tomorrow
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La riunione è stata posticipata a domano
the form must be filled out in this document
formularz należy wypełnić drukowanymi literami
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il modulo va complilato in stamatello
compilare wypełnić
the lesson is explained by me
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la lezione è spiegata da me
the lesson has been explained
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la lezione è stata spiegata
the lesson was explained
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la lezione era spiegata
the lesson will be explained
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la lezione sarà spiegata
the lesson knows
condizionale presente
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la lezione sarebbe spiegata
the lesson would be explained by me
condizionale passato
commencer à apprendre
la lezione sarebbe stata spiegata da me
an email is written to Maria
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l'email è scritta da Maria
the presentation has been prepared
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la presentazione è stata preparata dagli studenti
the computer will be repaired
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il computer sarà riparato da un esperto
three employees were fired
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tre dipendenti sono stati licenziati dall'azienda
this book will be written by a famous
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questo libro sarà scritto da un famoso scrittore
the car has been repaired
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la macchina è stata riparata dal meccanico
the exams will be corrected by the professor tomorrow
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gli esami saranno corretti dal professore domani
pizza is eaten by children
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la pizza viene mangiata dai bambini
the pizza will be eaten by the children
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la pizza verrà mangiata dai bambini
the problem will be solved soon
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il problema verrà risolta presto
Every year the festival is broadcast live on Tb
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ogni anno il festival viene trasmesso in diretta Tv
the new rules are explained by the director
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durante la riunione, le nuove regole verranno spiegate dal direttore
Event details will be communicated to participants via e
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I dettagli dell'evento verranno comunicati ai partecipanti via email
the new bridge has been under construction for months
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il nuovo ponte viene costruito da mesi
the light is turned off by the last person to leave the room
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la luce viene spenta dall'ultjma persona che esce dalla stanza
many masks are worn by tourists
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molte maschere vengono indossate dai turisti
a new exhibition is inaugurated by the mayor
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una nuova mostra viene/è inaugurata dal sindaco
lunch is prepared by the chefs
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il pranzo viene/è preparato degli chef
new security measures have been introduced by the government
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nuove misure di sicurezza sono state introdotte dal governo
food is/is being distributed to the homeless by volunteers
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il cibo è/viene distribuito ai senzatetto dai volontari
This book is a must read
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questo libro va letto
these exercises need to be done tomorrow
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questi esercizi vanno fatti per domani
the sheets need to be changed
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le lenzuola vanno cambiate ogni giorno
the bathroom must be cleaned thoroughly
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il bagno va pulito accuratamente
the windows should be opened to let the air in
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le finestre vanno aperte per far cambiare l'aria
The waste must be disposed of before the guest arrives
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I rifiuti vanno buttati prima dell'arivo dell'ospite
to replenish
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the sheets should be changed every day
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la lenzuola andrebbero cambiate ogni giorno
the rules must be respected by everyone
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le regole vanno rispettate da tutti
This email must be sent by the end of the day.
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questo email va spedite entro la fine sella. giornata
This problem should not be ignored
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questo problema non va ignorato
Homework must be handed in by Friday morning
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I compiti vanno consegneti entrovenerdi mattina
the card was rejected
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la carta è stata rifiutata

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