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to go up = to increase = to rise (prices)
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to level off = to stabilize = level out
spadać na dno (gwałtonie) commencer à apprendre
The Euro plummeted against the US Dollar, then rose.
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to get worse = deteriorate
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zejść do dołu(coś takiego ale idk) commencer à apprendre
to slip back = to go down a little
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osiągnąć dno = osiągnąć dno = uderzyć w dno commencer à apprendre
to reach a low point = to bottom out at = hit a bottom
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osiagnać najwyższy punkt) commencer à apprendre
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Prices have gone up by 10%.
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to remain constant / to remain stable
ustabilizować się na poziomie commencer à apprendre
zostać na tym samym poziomie commencer à apprendre
to stay at the same level
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We forecast that costs could rise by a further 5% between now and next year
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Economists are predicting a double-dip recession
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The cost of living is increasing.
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The pound has strengthened against the dollar
wyzdrowieć / być w lepszej kondycji commencer à apprendre
The Euro has recovered after last week’s fluctuations
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The weaker pound should also boost exports
osiągać najwyższą wartość commencer à apprendre
to peak at (highest point) Shares peaked at 679p then fell.
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to rocket (dramatic rise) The cost of bringing up a child has rocketed by over a third in the past five year.
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Soaring house prices make it difficult for first-time buyers to buy a house
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Costs have surged as a result of increasing oil prices.
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Prices have gone down by 10%
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The cost of living is decreasing
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Prices are falling again.
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The pound has weakened against the euro.
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Increased labour costs have caused profits to drop.
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The economy slowed last year as a result of interest rate rises.
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to bottom out at (lowest point) Shares bottomed out at 37p then rose.
pozostać na najniższym poziomie commencer à apprendre
to stagnate (staying at a low point, and not moving at all.) The economy is stagnating
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to level out (become stable) Share prices have levelled out this month at 497p
pozostać na tym samym poziomie commencer à apprendre
The cost of petrol has remained stable
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chronić krajowych producentów przed tanim importem commencer à apprendre
To protect domestic producers against cheap imports
hronic gałęzie przemysłu, które dopiero się rozwijają, są w powijakach commencer à apprendre
To protect infant industries (x industry is in its infancy)
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gospodarka dobrze rozwijająca się commencer à apprendre
Thriving economy/booming economy
to make it more difficult – hamować rozwój wolnego rynku commencer à apprendre
To hamper, to stifle free market development
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pastwo z tanią siłą roboczą commencer à apprendre
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dane dotyczące bezrobocia commencer à apprendre
nałożyć ograniczenia w handlu commencer à apprendre
impose trade restrictions
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plan zaciskania pasa w gospodarce › commencer à apprendre
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To exceed/ to outstrip demand/supply
pogorszenie koniunktury, kryzys commencer à apprendre
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To halt/to curb inflation
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słaba, nękana kłopotami gospodarka commencer à apprendre
Weak/fragile/ailing economy
kurczenie sie gopodarki, regres commencer à apprendre
Economic contraction, economic shrinking
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flood the market with goods ›
zapobiec nieuczciwej konkurencji commencer à apprendre
prevent unfair competition
gospodarka w dobrej kondycji commencer à apprendre
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chwiejny, podatny na zmianę rynek commencer à apprendre
przewaga and konkurencją pod względem zróżnicowania produktu/usługi commencer à apprendre
uzyskać przewagę nad konkurencją commencer à apprendre
To gain a competitive edge/advantage