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capital, stolica
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capital, the capital
crime, przestępstwo
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crime, a crime
elections, wybory
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elections, elections
populatio, populacja
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populatio, population
Prime minister, Premier
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Prime Minister, Prime Minister
monarchy, monarchia
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monarch, monarchy
burglary, włamanie
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burglars, burglary
burglar, włamywacz
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burglar, burglar
robbery, rabunek
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robbery, robbery
robber, rabuś
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robber, robber
mugging, rozbój
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mugging, robbery
mugger, rozbójnik
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mugger, highwayman
theft, kradzież
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theft, theft
thief, złodziej
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thief, thief
shoplifting, kradzież w sklepie
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shoplifting, shoplifting
shoplifter, złodziej sklepowy
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shoplifter, shoplifter
drug dealing, handlowanie narkotykami
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drug dealing, drug dealing
piracy, piractwo
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pirates, piracy
pirate, pirat
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pirate, pirate
vandalism, wandalizm
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vandalism, vandalism
vandal, wandal
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vandal, vandal
arson, podpalenie
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arson, arson
arsonist, podpalacz
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arsonist, arsonist
murder, morderstwo
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murder, murder
murderer, morderca
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murderer, the murderer
suspect, podejrzany
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suspect, suspect
arrested, aresztowany
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arrested, arrested
innocent, niewinny
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innocent, innocent
guilty, winny
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guilty, guilty
witness, świadek
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witness, witness
charged sb, oskarżyć kogoś
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charged sb, accuse someone
court, Sąd
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court, the Court
trial, proces sądowy
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trial, trial
judge, sędzia
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judge, judge
accused, oskarżony
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accused, accused
detective, detektyw
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detective, detective
victim, ofiara
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victim, victim
evidence, dowód
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evidence, evidence
criminal, przestępca
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criminal, criminal
sentenced, sentenced
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sentenced, sentenced
prison, więzienie
commencer à apprendre
prison, prison

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