Filip korepetytor

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question réponse
Ja nie rozumiem
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I don't understand
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Im sorry
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excuse me
Co to znaczy
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What does it mean
Jak mogę ci pomoc
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How can I help you
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Która jest godzina?
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What time is it?
czy mogę prosić
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can i have
czy ty możesz mi pomóc
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can you help me please
trzymam kciuki
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fingers crossed
napisze do ciebie
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I will text you
z góry dziękuję
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thank you in advance
Nie ma za co
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You're welcome
To moja wina
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It's my fault
Gdzie jest hala od lodów
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Where is the delarthure hall?
Ja mam bagaż podręczny
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I have carry-on bag
czy lot jest na czas
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is the flight on time
czy możesz powiedzieć jak dojechać
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can you tell me how to get to
gdzie jest
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where is
Jak daleko
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How far is it
Idź ta droga
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Go this road
Gdzie jest kasa biletowa?
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Where is the booking office?
Gdzie jest plan lekcji
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Where is time falde
z którego peronu odjedzie pociąg
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Which platform does the train life from?
stolik dla dwóch prosz ę
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table for two please
czy ja mogę rachunek proszę
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can i have the bill please
Ja chce kupić bilet
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I want to book a ticket

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