File 2b

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That's me in the picture
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To ja na zdjęciu
that's me
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to ja
This photo shows me in.......
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To zdjęcie pokazuje mnie w.......
was born in... and he died in August
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urodził się w... i zmarł w sierpniu
we never get any snow in winter.
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nigdy nie pada śnieg w zimie.
Our flight is delayed.
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Nasz lot jest opóźniony.
Our flight is leaving on Wednesday at 9:30 in the evening and arriving at 12:00 on Thursday.
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Nasz samolot odlatuje w środę o 9:30 wieczorem i ląduje o 12:00 w czwartek.
At Easter, we went to Greece, and we're going again in the summer, probably the last two weekend in July.
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Na Wielkanoc pojechaliśmy do Grecji, a latem znów jedziemy, prawdopodobnie w ostatnie dwa weekendy lipca.
We took some great photos at the party.
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Zrobiliśmy kilka świetnych zdjęć na imprezie.
We want to put some shelves on the wall in the living room.
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Chcemy powiesić półki na ścianie w salonie.
in Spain
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w Hiszpanii
in Madrid
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w Madrycie
in the kichen
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w kuchni
in the living room
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w salonie
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in a shop, in a museum
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w sklepie, w muzeum
closed space
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zamknięta przestrzeń
in a park
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w parku
in a garden
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w ogrodzie
in a car
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w samochodzie
in February
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w lutym
in July
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w lipcu
in May
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w maju
in winter
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w zimę
in summer
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in autumn
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in spring
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in 2018 year
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w 2018 roku
in the morning
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in the afternoon
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po południu
in the evening
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on a bike / on a bicycle
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na rowerze
on a bus
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w autobusie
on a train
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w pociągu
on a plane
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w samolocie
on a ship/boat/yacht
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na statku/łodzi/jachcie
on the balcony
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na balkonie
on the roof
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na dachu
on the wall
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na ścianie
on 1 st. March
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1 marca
on 9 th. May
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9 maja
on Tuesday
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we wtorek
on Saturday
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w sobotę
on New Year's Day
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na Nowy Rok
on Valentine's Day
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w Walentynki
at school
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w szkole
at home
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w domu
at work
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w pracy
at university
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na Uniwersytecie
at the airport
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na lotnisku
at the station
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na stacji
at the bus stop
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na przystanku autobusowym
at a party
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na imprezie
at the door
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przy drzwiach
at night
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w nocy
at the weekend
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w weekend
at noon
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w południe
festival periods
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okresy świąteczne
at Christmas
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w Boże Narodzenie
at Easter
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w Wielkanoc
leaf, leaves
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liść, liście
break up with sb
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zerwać z kimś
move house
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She moved to Paris
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Przeprowadziła się do Paryża
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find - found - found
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hear, heard, heard
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say why
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Powiedz dlaczego
What decade do you think it's from?
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Jak myślisz, z jakiej dekady pochodzi?
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we fell in love with
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zakochaliśmy się w
I got home
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dotarłem do domu
I immediately
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ja natychmiast
in the end
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w końcu
I found
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one of our
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jeden z naszych
I often put some bread
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Często wkładam trochę chleba
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were attacking
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I also noticed
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Zauważyłem też
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okazja / możliwość
the following week
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w przyszłym tygodniu
It wasn't raining when I got up.
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Kiedy wstałem, nie padało.
It was raining when we went out.
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Kiedy wyszliśmy, padał deszcz.
Kelly fell asleep while she was reading.
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Kelly zasnęła podczas czytania.
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we śnie
fell asleep
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podczas / w trakcie
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They were waiting to meet her
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Czekali na spotkanie z nią
What was the weather like when you got up this morning? It was raining
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Jaka była pogoda, kiedy wstałeś dziś rano? Padało
Was Jany busy when you went to see her?
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Czy Jany była zajęta, kiedy ją odwiedziłeś?
a few years ago
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kilka lat temu
I was sunbathing on the balcony
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Opalałem się na balkonie
We got to our hotel
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Dotarliśmy do naszego hotelu?
at the back of
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na tyle
She was talking to
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Mówiła do
Were lots of people walking in the streets?
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Czy po ulicach chodziło dużo ludzi?
about four times
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około cztery razy
one action happened after another
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jedna akcja następowała po drugiej
I couldn't answer the phone because I was speaking to some clients
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Nie mogłem odebrać telefonu, bo rozmawiałem z kilkoma klientami
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zawalić się
the truck was crossing it.
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ciężarówka przez nią przejeżdżała.
The post
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We can use either when or while before
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Możemy użyć kiedy lub chwilę przed
broke down
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zepsuła się
fell on the ice
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upadł na lód
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dzwonek u drzwi
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wtedy / wówczas
I moved to an insurance company
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Przeniosłem się do firmy ubezpieczeniowej
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accident happened
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zdarzył się wypadek
sinking of
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cruise ship
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statek pasażerski
as usual
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jak zwykle
a sailor
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no moon
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bez księżyca
at exactly 1:00
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dokładnie o 1:00
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hit a huge
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uderzyl w ogromny
quickly began to sink
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szybko zaczął tonąć
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in the same
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w tym samym
answer the phone
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Odbierz telefon
dropped my
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upuściłem mój
I was getting into the taxi
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Wsiadałem do taksówki
fall off his a bike
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spaść z roweru
was getting a taxi
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jechałem taksówką
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myć się
try to find
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Spróbuj znaleźć
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put my things
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połóż moje rzeczy
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away quickly
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odejść szybko
without going surfing
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bez surfowania
next to
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obok / przy
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on the left
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po lewej stronie
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in the corner
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w rogu
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My favorite photo is one of my dog
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Moje ulubione zdjęcie to jedno z moim psem
My favorite photo is that of me and my friends in the Alps skiing
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Moje ulubione zdjęcie to moje i moich przyjaciół na nartach w Alpach
post photos
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zamieszczać zdjęcia
social media sites
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portale społecznościowe
What's your favourite photo?
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Jakie jest twoje ulubione zdjęcie?
This is one of my favourite photo
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To jedno z moich ulubionych zdjęć
It's of ......
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To z ......
Who took the photo? When?
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Kto zrobił zdjęcie? Kiedy?
at place called
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w miejscu zwanym
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wspaniale, cudownie
like storks
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jak bociany
I was staying with him in the Easter Holidays
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Przebywałam u niego w Święta Wielkanocne
She took this photo when we were visiting the Colosseum
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Zrobiła to zdjęcie, kiedy zwiedzaliśmy Koloseum
We were all drinking champagne, and Roz was doing the hard work.
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Wszyscy piliśmy szampana, a Roz ciężko pracowała.
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she came to visit me
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przyjechała mnie odwiedzić
I took her on a tour
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Zabrałem ją na wycieczkę
is that, er
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czy to, eee?
yes - well
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tak - cóż
and this one's on the
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a ten jest na
he took me to
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zabrał mnie do
we went for a walk by the sea
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poszliśmy na spacer nad morze?
it looks windy
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wygląda na wietrznie

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