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 0    47 fiche    juliagrabowska20
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question réponse
delikatnie mówiąc
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put it mildly
szcerze mówiąc
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frankly speaking
obilo mi sie o uszy
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a little bird told me
na koncu jezyka
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on the tip of tongue
ostatnie slowo
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final say
w zasadzie
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mowiac wprost
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to put it bluntly
wierzcholek gory lodowej
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tip of the iceberg
kazdy kij ma dwa końce
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there are two sides of every story
kto pierwszy ten lepszy
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first come, first served
wszystko dobre co sie dobrze konczy
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all is well that ends well
jak okiem sięgnać
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as far as the eye can see
uderzajace podobienstwo
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striking similarity
to musiala sie stac
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it was bound to happen
zmierzac do czegoś
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drive at something
miec przeczucie
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feel it in one's bones
nazywac rzeczy po imieniu
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call a spade a spade
bez zadnego, ale’’
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no buts
przez to
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na mocy ktorego
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co sie tyczy
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as regards
w sumie
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all things considered
na zakonczenie
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to conclude
jesli o mnie chodzi
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as far as I am concerned
jak dotad wszystko w porzadku
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so far so good
uwzgledniajac wszystkie aspekty
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from all angles
mam wrazenie ze
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it strikes me that
zgodnie z
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according to
zgodnie z
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in accordacne with
do pewnego stopnia
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to some extent
zalezny od
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subject to
w dodatku
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in addition to
latwiej powiedziec niz zrobic
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easier said than done
do trzech razy sztuka
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third time lucky
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at the end of the day
golym okiem
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with the naked eye
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sum up
na pierwszy rzut oka
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at first glance
nie moc sie powstrzymac
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cant hell
nie wchodzic w gre
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be out of question
bylo minelo
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let bygones be bygones;
mniejsze zlo
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lesser evil
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owijac w bawelne
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beat about the bush
po moim trupie
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over my dead body
czyjes dobro
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