
 0    38 fiche    damianskal6
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question réponse
I don't understand.
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Jeg forstår ikke.
What did you say
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Hva sa du
Can you repeat
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Kan du gjent
How do I say
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Hvordan sier jeg
What means ...?
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Hva betyr ...?
Can you repeat that
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Kan du si det en gang til
I have a question
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Jeg har et spørsmål
I like to read books.
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Jeg liker å lese bøker.
What language do you speak?
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Hvilket språk snaker du
What do you like to do?
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Hv liker du å gjøre?
A shelf
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En hylle
An employee
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En ansatt
A receipt
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En kvittering
A shopping list
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En handleliste
Can I have a receipt?
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Kan jeg få kvittering
Can I pay by card?
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Ken jeg betale med kort
I'm looking for
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Jeg leter etter
Can you help me find?
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Kan du hjelpe meg med å finne?
Do you have more left?
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Har dere mer igjen av?
They are sold out
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De er utsolgt
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I går
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I morgen
The day after tomorrow
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I overmorgen
The day before yesterday
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I forgårs
In the weekend
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I helgen
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Go on a journey
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Dra på fert
Go out to eat
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Gå ut og spise
Get off
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Stappe av
Have a coffee
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Ta en kaffe
Travel on holiday
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Reise på ferie
What are you doing tomorrow?
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Hva skal du i morgen?
Shall we come up with something today?
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Skal vi finne på noe i dag?
Let's go to a concert
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La oss dra på konsert

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