February 27 100%

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question réponse
Mam dwa oka
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I have two eyes
Mam dwa ramiona
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I have two arms
Mam dwie ręce
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I have two hands
Mam pięć palców na dłoni
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I have five fingers on my hand
Nie mam czterech palców na ręku
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I don't have four fingers on my hand
Mam jedno kolano na nodze
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I have one knee on my leg
Mam jedno ucho
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I have one ear
Mam ucho po prawej
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I have an ear on the right
Muszę wyciąć prawe kolano
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I have to cut my right knee
Mam jedną szyje
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I have one neck
Mam jedną stopę
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I have one foot
Dwie stopy
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Two feet
Mam jeden nos
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I have one nose
Mam długi nos
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I have a long nose
Mam długą szyję
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I have a long neck
Części ciała
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Body parts
Piłka nożna
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