February 13

 0    14 fiche    blochandrzej87
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question réponse
Nawet nie mam problemów z płatnościami
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I don't even have problems with payments
dostałem kase z afryki
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I got money from Africa
naprawiłem kryzysy
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I fixed the crises
uprawiać sex
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have sex
obiecuje nie pić
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I promise not to drink
nowy etap
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new stage
dwa razy
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twice/ two times
mądry - mądrzejszy - najmądrzejszy
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smart - smarter - the smartest
inteligentny - inteligentniejszy - najinteligentniejszy
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intelligent - more intelligent - the most intelligent
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masz prawo do tego
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you have the right to it
masz racje
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you're right
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a fork

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